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Everything posted by mpedroni

  1. I hope that with this update will not require a new activation, could no longer fly without Skymaxx, and I still do not know how many activations of the three available.
  2. Fantastic script, just a question. Why you do not use bug 1 for V1, bug 2 for rotate and bug 3 for V2?
  3. For study i suggest this link http://files.eurofpl.eu/originalfpl/pdfs/EuroFPL-ICAO_Flightplan_Form_Basics-latest.pdf
  4. Hi. For a correct balance you can use this Load & trim Sheet.
  5. Good morning. I found accuracy problems during turn in LNAV mode. As you can see from the picture, from one airway to another it is not properly anticipated the turn. In this specific case I would have to start the turn about 2 miles before CHI, however the LNAV begins approximately 1 mile before, the result is that instead of making one right turn makes two.
  6. the problem no longer occurs removing Itow. Shame because it is a handy plugin for pushback
  7. I will try Thanks Ben
  8. Here the log Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  9. When press P for Pause open CMD and no way to come to fly. Nothing on log.txt and gizmoLog.txt
  10. VOR1 VIL 115.80 VOR2 VIC 113.40 NDB1 GAZ 382 NDB2 VIC417
  11. 'morning. Just to understand, then green needles in full vor/ils mode indicate adf, I not vor? You know that Italian people are funny and muddler!
  12. This is mine. Just print, cut and attach!
  13. Hi, I do not know if is a bug or a WIP, in the navigation display I expect to have the distance to next.
  14. Hi sundog, may you post also your x-plane setting so we can try to reproduce on us system? Ciao Marco
  15. hi, I may have found the problem and a solution for my system works. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Fix-the-Nvlddmkm-Error/?ALLSTEPS in step 1 explains how to increase the power supply, and now GPU-z I just have more Vrel. I will keep you informed which is really stable
  16. i re-fly this leg with "old" skymaxx v3 without no problem, I have nvidia gefore 780 with 3gb of VRAM, so i think there is for me some troble with v3.1 and v3.1.1
  17. I try new figlth LIRF LFPG all ok until final after 1.5 hour and than again crash of nvidia driver
  18. Hello, I suffer from crashes due to the nvidia driver. Before installing Skymaxx v3.1 I never had these problems, now I randomly closes x-plane giving the driver error. I have not changed any settings in the rendering option nor touched other plugins. Now i have skymaxx v3.1.1 and the new RWC. Attach Log and some screenshots. I opened a ticket on x-Aviation. Unlike Kopelent not think it's a SASL problem, it seems more than Skymaxx loads the VRAM over its limit 3gb Ciao Marco Log (1).txt
  19. Any new update? Sooner or later you will be released this aircraft? are almost six years that we follow you, and I start to lose hope. I understand marketing, but you're on the thin line of the joke to your potential customers.
  20. unfortunately I am not native speakers of English and do not understand "release date not too far ahead." Can you clarify what you mean? ;-)
  21. Some route around europe made with pfpx for 757 http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=81242368513722898731 my two cent
  22. I'm ready to come on foot to Litjan home to pay by cash!! But please relase it!!!!!
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