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Everything posted by Pils

  1. It should be whatever flight which was last generated an OFP for.
  2. Are you restoring a state that’s powered up? Or cold and dark?
  3. Thoughts @Goran_M?
  4. Very odd indeed. This is typical of X-Plane’s Vulkan engine, particularly on the ground, in my experience. Can you provide the detail requested here please? And also a recent Log.txt file? Thanks. Also have you tried the following? P.S. It’s a 60 Hz 4K panel but only drivable at 60 Hz via DisplayPort. That explains the “30 Hz” question. Not that unusual after all, due to HDMI limitations of past.
  5. In the future please always create your own thread for crashes so they don’t get overlooked. I’ve done this for you this time.
  6. Then it’s a different issue; please create your own thread with as much detail as possible.
  7. This sounds like the normal effect of fuel sloshing around in the tanks.
  8. Yes, that’s the relevant page for nav data selection.
  9. Check in your keyboard binds that the “save view” commands are still set up.
  10. I’m asking if you’ve read the PDF document provided with the addon.
  11. I’d say it’s best to consider modifications to this file as “at your own risk” for the time being.
  12. This is likely just X-Plane’s lack of any occlusion/shadowing by the fuselage when the sun in low. But maybe @Goran_Mcan do something with materials to tone it down. Otherwise we’ll just have to hope X-Plane 12 improves the situation.
  13. It uses either the default nav data that comes with X-Plane or optional nav data from Custom Data directory. Have you read the provided FMS Primer document that explains how to select the correct nav data?
  14. I agree, looks great. Would it be possible to provide a version of the tail without the painted on registration, please? Thanks!
  15. Just to clear the ice simulation does not use real temperatures and weather from the past, it extrapolates from the current OAT and weather conditions only. Could it be tuned? Of course, and your feedback will be helpful. There is an algorithm, it isn’t random as some have alluded to.
  16. Please don’t confuse matters with +1s, crashes can be very specific to each user. Please post your own threads with your own Log.txt, description of simulator state when crash occurred, and reproduction steps, if possible.
  17. It is due to being on a hill, but is more likely a bug, the developer is looking into it.
  18. Rear of the pedestal, EICAS reversionary knob.
  19. You're parked next to an air bridge and it's coming through the floor. Park somewhere more remote.
  20. Yuck. If it were me I would say this was a hack not worth the effort for a corner case. But I’ll pass on your suggestion and let the developer decide for themselves.
  21. It only matters if you cause X-Plane to reload after loading a flight. So you don’t “need to” it’s just “recommended”.
  22. Please add screenshots.
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