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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Nothing happens at all when you press IDX? Can you post a video of this behaviour, please?
  2. Yes. “Somehow” is a simple division. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Press LWR MENU first.
  4. Here is what Toto said: The datarefs are named: ``CL650/HLIS/delta_acc`` - the recorded peak delta-acceleration in m/s/s ``CL650/HLIS/norm_acc_log[0..120]`` - a running log of the normal acceleration (in m/s/s) received by the HLIS from the IRSes. Entry [0] is the latest data and progressing backwards in time at 40 samples per second. This gets continuously overwritten in flight and stops being updated 3 seconds after landing (at which point the HLIS computes the peak delta-G value).
  5. Unlike other aircraft types in the Collins auto flight system VNAV is a modifier on the standard vertical modes (VS, FLC, etc.). It basically instructs the system to respect altitude constraints in the flight plan, and if enabled, use speed targets from the FMS. When descending in VPATH on an arrival and initial approach, similar to an ILS, once the plane is flying towards the final approach point for the RNAV/RNP then one can push the APPR button and VGP will arm/capture. Once active the plane will descend on the final glide path below the preselected altitude. Hope that helps.
  6. Not at this time. Editing it is possible but is very much a “at your own risk” endeavour. Good luck!
  7. The same way it works with any other jet, not ideal, but that’s how it is.
  8. Your default scenery seems damaged in odd ways. I suggest running the X-Plane Installer executable and updating/repairing the install. Then remove the CL650 directory from …/Output/caches, and trying again.
  9. Ok glad that helped. At low levels the fuels sensors (also its own study window) are very unreliable, maybe a bit too unreliable in the sim currently so that may be tweaked in a future release. But don’t expect the perfection, real life is analogue and noisy. Thanks for the report.
  10. What version of the CL-650 are you using? Can you post your Log.txt, please?
  11. Please provide screenshots of the Fuel System Study window for these situations.
  12. When exactly in the checklist? Thanks. P.S. Re: '--num_workers'='10'; that’s 4 (6) workers too many for a 6-core processor without hyperthreading.
  13. Can you provide a full flight plan, please?
  14. Yes, thank you. However you didn’t mention just scroll wheel, no clicking.
  15. I’m sorry I still don’t understand. Right mouse button usually activates free look in X-Plane. Do you not have a scroll wheel on your mouse?
  16. It would help if you can make a screen recording on your PC while you try to scroll one of the knobs with your mouse and upload it to YouTube or similar. No-one else has reported being unable to use the knobs in this manner that I know of. Thanks.
  17. Yes, thank you again for the request. As you know the developer is well aware of it. Please let’s leave it at that. Repeating yourself will not make it happen sooner.
  18. P2ATC is not in the list of supported “networks”.
  19. Oh, if you were using non-persistent mode then I’m not surprised, the phones have no purpose there.
  20. If you have the subscription the easiest way is using their FMS Data Manager software, details on their site https://navigraph.com/products/navdata
  21. The secondary database is only available when there is more than one nav database to choose from, i.e. when custom nav data has been installed into X-Plane’s Custom Data directory, for example from Navigraph or Aerosoft.
  22. Likely your flaps are out. When flaps are out the plane sheds power from the utility bus to preserve power for the hydraulic pumps.
  23. Can’t tell unfortunately, X-Plane just crashed on its own. P.S. You should remove XSquawkBox plugin, it doesn’t work on Vatsim anymore, and then you Log.txt won’t be so massive.
  24. I didn’t say it worked, I meant that’s what they are asking for on this thread. Use the mouse wheel, it accelerates as you keep scrolling.
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