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Ben Russell

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Everything posted by Ben Russell

  1. Glad to hear it's working for you now. In future, please post problems using the most current version of Gizmo for Log.txt files. Older plugins = older bugs. New plugins = better diagnostics.
  2. Are you using wifi? If yes, are you using a 5ghz wifi network? If yes, have you tried using the 2.4ghz wifi instead.. If you're using a 2.4ghz, have you tried 5ghz? These questions sounds silly but my own laptop has issues with the GPU and 5ghz wifi clashing... Please attach a complete copy of X-Plane/Log.txt for better diagnostics.
  3. Just did a quick count and you have 10 copies of SASL loaded through various add on packages and scenery extras. This isn't your fault. You just want your content. I'm just pointing out an absurdity in the X-Plane eco system.
  4. Delete these: X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/xAmbience X-Plane 11/Custom Scenery/w_HungaryVFR-Library/plugins/SASLFree X-Plane 11/Custom Scenery/Wonders of The World - pt2 - Giza/plugins/SASLFree And try again. You have basically trashed your X-Plane install with the amount of stuff you have installed that is conflicting. Gizmo, the plugin that runs the IXEG systems, is not reporting errors. Your multiple scenery packs and additional extra plugins ARE reporting errors.
  5. Probably, yes. It's needed by many other Apps and won't do any harm to install it. Imagine a world where MS included a hundred extra megabytes of essential data in amongst the several gigabytes of pointless garbage like Candy Crush....
  6. I'm not sure how you think gizmo could be affecting an installer process that is entirely separate from xplane and only sees gizmo as a bunch of benign files on disk. Might wanna spread less of the org FUD around here.
  7. Please try installing this: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe It's from this page: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170
  8. Windows 11 is untested. I'm wondering if this is a bug with international language characters in passwords. Please try changing your password. https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/login.php Stick to the following characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?-=[]\;',./ I've logged a bug and will look at doing some further tests in future to see if I can figure out exactly what causes this rare issue.
  9. This thread is seven years old.
  10. https://freefilesync.org/ You can use the above tool to "copy changes" between X-Plane versions. Install a new clean copy of X-Plane. Make a backup copy of this on your disk. Install a new product into your main copy of X-Plane. Test. If X-Plane works with your new product installed, use FreeFileSync to copy the changes into your backup copy. If you use this method you will always have a copy of X-Plane that you can go back to that should work. FreeFileSync can be used to only copy the changes from your main copy of X-P into the backup copy. This saves a lot of time.
  11. You have multiple plugins incorrectly installed. Loaded: D:\Steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/E55PQRH/64/win.xpl (1-sim E55PQRH). https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/72991-phenom-300-performance-calculator-plug-in/ Unzip E55PQRH.zip into X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Phenom 300\plugins SaiFIPDSM ############################################### SaiFIPDSM # WARNING PLUGIN INCOMPATIBILITY # SaiFIPDSM # XSaitekProFlight and SaitekFIPDSMPlugin # SaiFIPDSM # are incompatible and mutually exclusive # SaiFIPDSM # FIMS DSM & ICM are disabled & inactive # SaiFIPDSM ############################################### You need to install the TBM into a clean copy of X-Plane and then carefully re-install your additional content following the instructions correctly and testing as you go.
  12. Can't really add much to this conversation. I'd have to own a copy of the plugins you mentioned and install all your other plugins to even hope to reproduce this. Saab Version 1 is in a frozen state with no updates planned. Gizmo is under continual development and future releases might, or might not, fix the problem. If you can reproduce this issue without all your additional third party plugins I can log it as a bug for future review and reference to see if this issue ever appears again. As it stands, you're the only report of this I've seen and it's throwing an error in Saab code that has worked for years.
  13. It will be faster for all involved to start with a fresh copy of xplane and add only essentials and then extras one by one, than it will be to go through a cycle of guessing what plugin or script or config setting or scenery is needed to remove and have you report back it didn't work several times.
  14. You can use your OS file manager to duplicate your xplane folder and then delete all your extra stuff out of the new copy.
  15. Install a second copy of xplane with no extras. Install the tbm in the second copy of xplane. Test.
  16. Side note: Please be aware that some of us can't yet update to win11 even if we wanted to. My windows machine tells me that I will be able to upgrade but the upgrade is not ready yet.
  17. Thanks for the patience. I also wish there was a better way to update support requests with info as more is discovered. Did you verify the date as well as time? Support queue is unlikely to be fed up, it just shifts your priority in the queue. Some people send far more requests in a flurry. Hopefully this can be resolved when your ticket is processed. Probably best if you don't send anymore emails until support starts asking for additional info as required. Cheers..
  18. From this brief amount of information the only advice I can give you is to check your computers time and date are correct. Not because your personal product license expired but because the error message is indicating that your computer believes the X-Aviation server certificates have expired. They have not. This usually indicates that your computers clock is wrong by a considerable amount. X-Aviation support have access to more detailed info about how your machine is interacting with the servers. Sorry I cannot provide you with more assistance at this time.
  19. If you're using Windows please try installing this: https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe It's from here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-160
  20. https://xpilot-project.org/#/
  21. Thank you for the detail about Vulkan. Vulkan is a relatively new addition to X-Plane and has resulted in some weird edge cases that are beyond our control. X-Plane gives plugins an OpenGL bridge to play with. How well it works is upto nVidia and AMD. Mostly it works well. Sometimes not so much. I would still like some screenshots and possibly photographs of the final font rendering. As you will appreciate, screenshots may not show the end result of the complete rendering pipeline once it hits your display. If you bother to take some screenshots and you feel they accurately convey what you see on screen "in sim" please email them to me: br@x-plugins.com
  22. You claim 35 years of experience and this is how you behave. Well done.
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