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  1. There is a new "detente" for the CL...try moving them to the Start detention and then with the mouse move slightly forwards or backwards until you see the lever "sink" into the slot....that puts you in Start properly...I had this issue as well, now I have good starts all the time.
  2. WR269

    PAX weight?

    I can vouch for the app....it is excellent. A one time purchase. It can do fuel and weight planning as well as load the aircraft directly from the app.
  3. Wingflex in a SAAB 340???? I have flown in them a few times and never noticed any....
  4. Does anybody have a working Smartcopilot file for this wonderful bird? Would love to do some shard cockpit flights in it.
  5. Make sure you dont andvance the condition levers to the firewall. They need to click on the max setting...if you go beyond that, you will not get the take off thrust you need. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  6. I wasnt expecting it to work, but here is what I have found: My Xenviro weather refresh rate is set to 10 Minutes. I start X-Plane 11, select new flight, with the Saab340....it loads and weather starts to load immediately....the sim crashes (see attached logs). This happens both with the SAAB and the IXEG737 in exactly the same manner. However, if I load a new flight using a default aircraft or one purchased elsewhere, it loads without issue and operates without issue. And more interesting, I can load a default aircraft and wait for weather to load....THEN I select the IXEG or the SAAB and all works really well......for 10 minutes, until XEnviro tries to load weather and the sim crashes again. I am guessing if I change the weather reload of XEnviro to 60 minutes I would be able to fly the SAAB if I first load a default aircraft and fly less than 60 minutes. GizmoLog.txt Log.txt xEnviroLog.txt
  7. WR269

    A Saab story

    No hardware used here, just make sure you enable the display of course and heading...that way, when you turn either the heading or course knobs, there is a digital display at top of the screen that tells you what value the knob has as you turn it. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  8. Wow, looks terrific Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  9. No such problems here...have you tried isolating it? Disable hardware controls and plugins and see what the culprit is. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  10. WR269


    Can anyone confirm this file still works with the new version 1.5?
  11. Love your apps...any chance of having it for Android at some point? Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  12. Did you actually enable the tiller??? You have to push it down. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  13. Customer is always right? Surely you are not serious. Reading the thread above it appears the customers are all below adulthood and ready to hold their breath and throw a tantrum if a big bad man in the shop doesnt give them their toy right now. A free update is ready, get sime maturity and enjoy life until it is packaged and released. Go outside, enjoy your family, get a life.....lile the rest of us. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  14. Fantastic, thanks for your work Goran. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  15. Try starting engine number 2 first. Keep an eye on condition levers and make sure they are in the correct location 2 The course 2 knob is a bug that i believe the developer will fix in the next version 3 For this aircraft look on the right of your screen, there is a menu and an icon you need to use to assign a control axis to your condition levers. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
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