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Everything posted by Coop

  1. Hi Roger, This sounds potentially like carb icing? Have you tried opening the carb heat levers?
  2. Can you send a screenshot of the RealityXP settings in X-Plane with the Islander loaded?
  3. Hm, I'm guessing something got disabled with the RealityXP configuration files, I've attached a fresh one here that you can replace. RealityXP.GTN.ini
  4. You are going to want to set these lines to 0: g5_nbzl_open_at_launch_a = 0 g5_nbzl_open_at_launch_b = 0 And change these values around to find non-conflicting coordinates so it isn't covering up other instrumentation: (I'd recommend higher numbers in X and Y) g5_x_a = 640 g5_y_a = 0
  5. The Entegra knobs use X-Plane commands to interface. If you are able to get those rotary controls to trigger X-Plane commands, then there shouldn't be an issue. I'm not familiar with the custom hardware side of X-Plane users, but I imagine there is a solution out there for using knobs to trigger X-Plane commands - if you find one, please report back what you find! The commands for the Entegra knobs: afm/sr/cmd/entegra/pfd_l_knob_left afm/sr/cmd/entegra/pfd_l_knob_right afm/sr/cmd/entegra/pfd_l_knob_press afm/sr/cmd/entegra/pfd_r_knob_left afm/sr/cmd/entegra/pfd_r_knob_right afm/sr/cmd/entegra/pfd_r_knob_press
  6. There are 3D integrations for aircraft shown on the table here: https://afmsim.com/g5/ TorqueSim BN-2B/2T Islanders AFM M20R Ovation II PWDT Zlin Z-142 LES C23 Sundowner The specifics on installation on these are shown on the table, the Islanders and Sundowner will auto-install with the aircraft's installer. The M20 and Zlin need some manual copy and pasting of files.
  7. We don't have any plans for MSFS
  8. Fix has been sent to the store, should be released shortly.
  9. Yes, switches are persistent. Something to remember, the magnetos being on does not necessarily mean that the engine is running. As magnetos are self energizing, with that switch on even with the engine off, opening the door and getting into the prop area is very dangerous - a strong gust of wind or pushing on the prop could cause it to turn over a few times.
  10. Thats the safety switch for the pilot's door. If the magnetos are turned on and the door is opened, the alarm sounds (to prevent you from going outside and being potentially decapitated from the prop )
  11. Thanks for reporting, that link should be fixed, as well as the liveries that were stuck in an approval queue on X-Pilot. Everything should be working now.
  12. You can just attach here and I can take a look.
  13. The values you will want to adjust are g5_x_a and g5_y_a to adjust the location of the PFD on the panel texture. These are coordinates in x and y. For the MFD, adjust the same, just the _b variety of the same.
  14. Yes, in this window, the top right corner can be clicked to pop it out as an OS window.
  15. Yes, just click at the bottom center of the DFC90 underneath the S&L button and it will pop out
  16. In order to debug what is going on, we will need you to send us a copy of the X-Plane log.txt file. Make sure to load the C172 G5 then grab this file after then closing X-Plane. You can find a guide to get this file here: How to find the X-Plane log.txt file?
  17. Yes. I do nearly all my development work on a MacBook Pro 16" with a RX 5700XT EGPU
  18. I'm guessing this is due to performance limitations on your computer. I can't say this for certain without knowing the CPU usage, FPS, and specs of your machine. When clouds are rendered in X-Plane, CPU and GPU usage increases (potentially dramatically based on specs), causing FPS to decrease. The saturation of CPU usage prevents our engine physics model from running at full speed thus causing engine roughness.
  19. Our 3D modeller was out of town getting resources on a future aircraft - he just got back in to work on this yesterday and it is at the top of the list. We will push an update with the fix in due time.
  20. Hm, I am seeing a lot of loading errors when loading the acf itself, did you do anything besides run the initial G5 installer to get the aircraft installed? The standalone G5 aircraft installer should not be run for the C172, in case that happened. Either way, I'd recommend re-downloading and re-running the installer from X-Aviation.
  21. From the log, it appears you are loading the Cirrus SF50, not the Cessna 172 G5. Please send on over the log from after loading the C172 G5.
  22. Regarding working in the 2D (Control W) mode - no. This is a limitation solely with X-Plane, as we rely on modifying their G1000. If we were using just the stock G1000, then this wouldn't have the issue, but its out of our control. Regarding the parking brake, the command to toggle the break (using a joystick button, keyboard, or similar) is "Toggle brakes Maximum Effort". In 1.2.0 as you note, we also have a system to disengage the parking break without the command. To turn this feature on, in X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/TorqueSim SR22 Series/SR22 (or SR22TN)/plugins/sr_systems/settings, there is a file "settings.cfg". In that file, set park_brake_auto_release to 1. Then, when you are loaded in the aircraft with the parking brake set (as X-Plane will start the sim with it engaged), fully depress both toe brakes simultaneously, when you release the toe brakes together, the parking brake will disengage.
  23. In the X-Plane menu with the SR22 loaded, you can configure what commands are bound to the various joystick keys. When you select a button/switch, there is a list of common default options available, with an option to view all the commands at the bottom. Using that option, then there will be a very large list of every possible command you can set a switch to. Under that list that shows, there will be a subsection labeled "afm" and inside that "sr" then "cmd" then "switches". There you should see all the various SR22 switches that can be bound.
  24. I’m not at my computer currently, but I believe the un-zipped size will be very close to that range, when factoring in liveries.
  25. We are looking into this, thanks for reporting!
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