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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. One things for certain...we've never been known to let SkyMaxx just sit stagnant.
  2. Not all things are equal, @rawdmon. This isn't our first rodeo. Enhanced Cloudscapes uses a different method with more impact of drawing. It has it's moments, but even its developer acknowledges our approach is more sound in performance. @sundog has been at this for many years now, and we have a pretty tight relationship with Laminar. When it comes to things like these, there's reasons and trade-offs for why they exist. We will continue to poke at it though!
  3. It's possible that if you have another plugin which does some kind of head shaking or ground shaking, it's causing this. If you don't have XPRealistic, please follow these guidelines to find the issue: 1. Rename your plugins folder to plugins_bak, then create a new folder called 'plugins'. 2. Move SilverLining and Gizmo64.plugin from plugins_bak to plugins. 3. Now start X-Plane. Has the problem resolved itself? If yes... Now you need to add back each plugin located in plugins_bak to plugins one at a time until you find the problem.
  4. An update on the situation... We have made contact with the developer of XPRealistic, and we feel we have a handle on why this is occurring. XPRealistic is writing to some required view monitoring datarefs every frame which SkyMaxx Pro also monitors. This is causing numerous allocations of depth buffers until things eventually explode. We are discussing how to deal with this. There are talks of us creating a workaround, and XPRealistic coming out with an update. As we get more information we will let you know.
  5. Hi there, It's an unavoidable issue with "volumetric" clouds that there is no depth to the clouds themselves, only to the volume they are drawn within. That's why you're seeing terrain artifacts like that. It is another thing that is less of an issue with RWC because the volumes are smaller. Thus far we have not found a way around this. Luckily it is not "always" happening.
  6. Glad you're enjoying it @pdg17!
  7. @Noksi was responding to this post: Not sure on yours @simnut. We'll keep digging, but right now you're still alone in the trenches so to speak.
  8. ADMIN NOTE: SkyMaxx Pro v5.0.1 has been released and supersedes this post for the time being: ------------------------------------------------------- We have received numerous reports of insanely high RAM usage up to the point X-Plane eventually crashes and/or FPS are simply unsustainable. In every one of these instances, XPRealistic has been in use and the culprit of the issue. Our best guess at the moment would be that they are somehow changing the format of the depth buffer, which would mess up our attempts to copy it for our shadow and soft particle effects, and ultimately causing terrible memory leaks. The fix on this is potentially going to need to come from their side. As of this writing I have reached out to the main developer to offer him a copy of SMP v5 so we can work together. In the meantime, you have a couple of options: 1. Remove XPRealistic entirely. or try... 2. Unticking "Natural movements" and "Ground Shakings" in XP realistic v2. We have received a report that #2 does work, but in all cases option #1 does for sure resolve the insane memory leak. I will do my best to keep everyone updated here on how the XPRealistic developer works with us.
  9. When RWC is in use vs not, how things are rendered are done differently, all the way down to the actual appearance of the clouds. Needless to say, RWC is the way to go.
  10. Are you using RWC in this situation, or not? Have you moved the draw distance slider full right?
  11. Hi @Fab10, This has been narrowed down to XPRealistic being the culprit.
  12. Hi there, We have narrowed this down to XPRealistic being the culprit, which you have installed. Please remove this and try again.
  13. @Motosuwa Than YOU! Your help was greatly appreciated!
  14. I hear you. Just letting you know what others are saying. We're on day one here, and quite known to do updates. Whatever we can gather and find we will. I'm off to have a chat with XPRealistic now. Thanks to all for helping us out!
  15. @simnut we have now had over ten people confirm this. We just have to face realities and try to work on it from here.
  16. @sundog will know best on that one. Does your FPS go up? Now getting numerous reports that disabling it DOES go up. If so, I'll be contacting the developer to get him a copy of SMP 5 and see what we can do to resolve this. Just need more confirmations.
  17. Haha! I get you have your preferences. Right now we're just narrowing down who we need to talk to to fix this.
  18. Can you corroborate @OuterMarker @Motosuwa?
  19. We'll certainly take a look at this! It may not be an issue on our end though. We'll certainly reach out to the developer.
  20. @Motosuwa, Thanks much! Please do as I described one post up as well. Pain in the butt, I know.
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