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Everything posted by Rodeo

  1. IIRC, QPACTerrainData is not a plugin (no .xpl), the plugin is in the aircraft folder and just stores data there for some reason…
  2. Maybe try recharging the battery via the failures menu?
  3. (version 1.0.3) I can't seem to set the landing altitude any higher than 990 feet, then the display cycles back to 000. I'm trying to land in Zürich (LSZH). Is this a bug or am I missing something?
  4. Rodeo

    Sound Setting

    It would still be nice if they could leave the default X-Plane sliders untouched; many addons with their own sliders for sound manage to have said slider fully independent from X-Plane's own slider. Or maybe, have Gizmo save the slider configuration when loading and restore it when the plane is being unloaded or when quitting X-Plane…
  5. Interesting thing to keep in mind indeed. Thanks, Broeselmappe!
  6. It does seem pretty cool at first glance.
  7. Yes, the FlightFactor A350 and QPAC A320 have a similar "AUTO" transponder feature. For quite a while, BTW, the A350 had a bug (now fixed) where the transponder would always behave as though it were on AUTO, even when forcibly set to ON or STBY…
  8. At least the 767 wingflex is adjustable and can be turned off…
  9. Heh, well than explains it, thanks!
  10. On the pedestal, just below the knob use to set the decision height, there's what appears to be a button, labeled RST. Based on experience with previous Boeing addons for X-Plane, I suspect pushing the button would reset the decision height to 0 (or maybe in this plane, -20). But the button doesn't appear to have been implemented. Is here a specific reason for it being omitted?
  11. Makes sense. Well, virtual money is cheap, I'll get a 737 with the highest possible MTOW, so I can fly to infinity and beyond!
  12. I'm setting up my SimBrief aircraft profile for the IXEG 733. SimBrief has an aircraft template for the Boeing 737-300, but lets you adjust the OEW, MZFW, MTOW, MLW and fuel capacity to match your actual aircraft configuration. My usual procedure is to check X-Plane's Weight & Fuel configuration menu for the aircraft's empty weight (OEW), maximum fuel TOTAL value (fuel capacity), and maximum allowable weight (maximum ramp weight or equivalent), and then complete these values using official data from the manufacturer. In this case, I also used IXEG's preflight menu as an additional source for OEW and fuel capacity (basically matches X-Plane's weight & fuel menu). I'm using Boeing's "737, Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning" (D6-58325-6), section 2.1.6 (general characteristics, model 737-300) as the manufacturer reference. http://imgur.com/ysRGN62 http://imgur.com/tUanVxx W&F. IXEG Fuel 35,462 35,586 OEW 72,380 72,392 Ramp 139,374 N.A. The Boeing document has 6 weight variants for the 737-200, 3 of which are applicable to the CFM56-3B1 engine (20K thrust, as shown on the FMC IDENT page), but none of them are a clear match for this 737. http://www.boeing.ch/assets/pdf/commercial/airports/acaps/737.pdf http://imgur.com/8spPtLx The first (left most) one has a matching fuel capacity (35,584) but the maximum taxi weight seems quite low (125,000 vs. almost 140K of max allowable weight in X-Plane), as does the OEW (69,400). The third (rightmost) one has more likely values for taxi (135,500) and OEW (72,540), but an increased fuel capacity compared to the IXEG 733 (41,011). I'm leaning towards the third weight variant without the additional fuel tanks, but I'd rather ask for feedback from the developers just to be sure. Regards, Tim
  13. It may have been mentioned before, but it looks as though we may get scrollwheel support for "free" in X-Plane 10.50. If Laminar's new manipulators are good, hopefully they can make their way into a future update of this 737?
  14. Because you normally enter an assumed temperature - not doing anything in this case is atypical
  15. Cool setup, though with my small hands I'd personally use 1&2 for thrust levers and 3 for the reversers
  16. I believe (don't quote me on that though) ChevyRules727 had a similar sound-related issue with Ground Handling and one of the FlyJSim Boeings a while back…
  17. Sounds like the best course of action,
  18. I'd welcome that too, though as far as I know there's nothing like TOPER or TOPCAT for Mac, sadly
  19. sim/engines/TOGA_power That actually works, thanks!
  20. There's a mismatch between the custom commands listed in the interface guide PDF and the actual command list available (using version 1.0.2). The addition of the at_disengage is welcome, but the absence of the TOGA command less so http://imgur.com/dlXK3VA http://imgur.com/1yozFYp
  21. I only drive automatics and cannot brake any more symmetrically because of it. I can brake very symmetrically if I assign "hold brakes regular" to a button though
  22. If have not gotten the PDF yet, and will definitely wait for the hard copy before I decide for either version
  23. There's a hard copy of that pilot's handbook available? Where can I get it please
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