Guys - this have to get off my chest:
I have been exclusively flying the Challenger 650 for many months now, and I still find enormous pleasure in every flight I make!
I really still learn every day about the aircraft and it systems, be it the avionics, but also the aircraft systems itself, the flight envelope etc. The videos I watched in the beginning make much more sense now, as I now can appreciate every little detail in them, detail I can put to use now. The X-Pilot forum is an incredible source of information, with a very high level of knowledge and support. Second to none. It has also given me an edge in understanding the real life problems we encounter with our CL650.
The aircraft has taken taken me all around Europe in about 150 flights, almost all of them on VATSIM creating an added dimension of 'surprise' - they never give you what you expect.
In short, in my view this aircraft is absolutely worth every penny and I'm looking forward to making many, many more flights with it!
The picture - Challenger meets Challenger during a VATSIM on line event in Corfu, Greece