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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2021 in all areas

  1. as far as "what to look forward to", my response is "what are we still inspired to do"...and subsequently...will want to try to get to. The answer to that is a lot actually. Certainly the VNAV/FMC is highest on our plate. After that, the 3D cabin/doors wrap up, etc. After that, wing-flex.....after that, 400/500 variants, etc. Those of us who are a bit older knows how fast life moves and things can get in the way. For years, I've been working towards the goal of Xplane being the only thing I have to do to get by and I can honestly say that as of last month, that has finally happened. (Thank you low interest rates, appreciation, cough *refi). It is my sincere desire to only work on xplane and in addition, limit my work to only about 3-4 aircraft max for the remainder of my life, such that they could be properly maintained. Being an engineer, my work tends to be "by project" and after every project, I'm effectively unemployed. Its the nature of my job that every project has a dedicated timeline, duration and end...and once a project begins, the timelines are such that it demands all my time until my role is completed. My work on the IXEG has always been between projects and in the evenings/weekends. With independence from having to take projects to survive, it opens up new windows for us to commit to the IXEG. I do have to wrap up some contract work with Laminar for XP12 stuffs, so another month or two and I'll be going full time on my xplane projects only. tkyler
    3 points
  2. Tom, as exciting as it is for us simulator enthusiasts and fans of this particular aircraft to hear of the positive change in the circumstances of your life that allow you to continue to accelerate progress with this project, I am also happy to hear for you that you are at such a point that will work out for you personally. Also, from my own selfish simfan standpoint, I'm glad to hear the project pulling you from the 733 was related to Laminar and XP 12!!! I suspect with an ability to further fully focus on the 733, the resulting quality, consistency, and frequency of enhancements will continue to grab more fans with confidence to plunk down the cash in a product they clearly see is actively improved, thus furthering your ability to keep the progress comin'. Thanks for the update.
    2 points
  3. No there's not. The patch is called "new hardware". This is a meaningless statement.
    1 point
  4. Just wanted to thank you all again. I love my hangar of SR22's both types 1000 & Entegra. Just did a short hop in the updated Entegra in VR and had a tremendous experience. All was outstanding and even with overcast conditions I didn't see any issues with frame rates though I don't use any SSAA in VR, only FXAA. Again, Love it, you all keep up the fantastic work over there. Best birds in the sky!!!
    1 point
  5. Congratulations and great news Tom! Time to enjoy the ride...looking forward to great engineering work in the near future. IXEG XP12 FS2020 P3d...the future of pixel airplanes is really starting to look good!!!
    1 point
  6. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.3 update for the Take Command! IXEG 737 Classic. All customers who have purchased the IXEG 737 Classic up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the IXEG 737 Classic from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.3 for you. It is for X-Plane 11. If you use X-Plane 10, you can still install an old version of the aircraft from the installer, but this update does not otherwise apply to you. Caution: This update is optimized for XP11.41 and newer only! If you run it any previous X-Plane version it will still work, but the aerodynamic model gets changed and will not fly "by the numbers" anymore! Install at your own risk (make a backup of the aircraft folder first, especially if you run XP10)! What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original IXEG 737 Classic download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: Bug fixes: Stopped "brakes" helping with turns if no rudder pedals installed Fixed turnoff lights lighting up the MCP Fixed Standby Power logic Disabled engine reverse thrust when fire handle pulled Removed option for "show vortices" which doesn't work with XP11 Fixed stall warning test not working on ground Fixed external view not accessible if watching a saved replay Improvements: Adjusted flightmodel to work best with the "new experimental flight model" option enabled (disabled works too, but less accurate) Switched ground model to default for XP11 users (better handling of engine failures) Adjusted "runway shake" effect to not move viewpoint too much Adjusted sensitivity for altitude and vertical speed manipulators when mouse-dragging Increased intensity of landing, taxi and runway turnoff lights Several updates/polishing of cockpit 3D (smoothing, better material, etc.) Improved import ability for different company route formats Updated shape of optional "winglets" Removed logo light lens if winglets enabled (it was still peeking through in places) Updated mesh of engines and fan animations Improved representation of flight controls (avoid spoilers popping up), gear lever animation and weird sounds in cockpit during replays Enabled basic "hot start" functionality if fuel introduced at (way) too low N2 Improved windmilling start behaviour (now works for lower N2s) Additions: Added grab and move around flashlights(white) and maplights(red) Added mousewheel support to all twistable manipulators Added TAI ON WITH TAT ABOVE 10C warning to FMC Added "altitude reminder dials" on CPTs and FO yoke Added option to disable/assign button to "pop out" IXEG menu Added option to disable/assign button to "view presets" IXEG menu Added option to increase/decrease EHSI preview popups Added option to totally remove EHSI preview popups Added option slider to adjust yoke height Engines now windmilling on ground if wind strong enough Added default support (and option) for AviTab integration As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
    1 point
  7. Version 0.111


    Hello Captains! I made a simple LUA-script for v-speed callouts. It includes callouts for 80 knots, V1, Vr, V2 (V2 is optional) and positiv rate / gear up. The script is tested on X-Plane 10.51 and X-Plane 11 on Windows 10. Feel free to leave a comment if you liked the script (or not) Requirement: - You will need FlyWithLua installed - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/17468-flywithlua-for-xp9-and-xp10/ Installation: - Unzip the files in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts You should get a structure something like this. Settings:Edit the IXEG_vSpeed.lua for the settings. Set to true to enable "V2" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.Enable_V2 = false Set to true to enable "Positive rate/Gear up" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. EnablePosGearUp = true Sync the First Officers speedbugs with what you set on Captain side. Default = false. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. SyncSpeedBugs = false Change "SoundLevel" to adjust volume for the callouts. Adjust between 0.10 min - 1.00 max (default 0.55) SoundLevel = 0.55 How to use: This is how I use the bugs. It may not be correct compared to real procedures. The required bugs you need to set for the call out to work is Bug_2 to V1 speed, Bug_3 to Vr speed, and set the MCP speed to V2 (if you use V2 callout). You can set the other bugs to whatever you prefere. Demo: Known bugs/limitations: - Speed bugs can only be set on Captains side. Credits: @xplana for his excellent voice for the callouts For support, please visit: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/12002-lua-script-vspeed-callouts/
    1 point
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