Hello all. I have not been able to get onto the FMOD sound conversions as of yet for personal reasons; however, things have transpired during the reorganization process such that we are now maintaining two development branches. A longer term branch which will use the new XP11 navdata I've written about above, with revised FMS and we'll also maintain a "now" branch which we'll use to make compatibility patches and small fixes as able until the major revision comes out. The 'now' branch is a combination of our current FMS code base, but with the new 3D development pipeline....and juxtaposing those two elements has been the focus over the last few weeks. As many have noted, this tact will allow us to not have to wait for "big ticket' items like the FMS/FMOD conversions in order to get the smaller improvements to the current product. Until we finished our "pipeline renovation" though, this wasn't as easy as it sounded.
We have begun flight testing again and making tweaks to the flight model as X-Plane updates come out. In particular, we are working with the 'experimental' flight model in version 11.41+ as we feel that will become the norm. In addition, we have XP 11.5+ test builds so we can test the Vulkan and Metal graphics also. The plan now is to get a XPlane compatibility update out asap, with scroll wheel support. This patch will have small fixes for the exterior lighting/MCP issue and flight dynamics etc. After that, we'll resume our development in earnest.