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  1. Previous installers won’t work. You need to have backed up your entire folder. We’re looking into the stuttering.
    2 points
  2. I get stutters when panning both in cockpit view and exterior view. Gone back to previous version. I got FPS locked at 30. CPU is heavily loaded. CPU time in v 1.9 is 0.0154. It goes up to 0.0330 in v1.10
    1 point
  3. Hi I am having heavy stutter issues with 1.1.0. Is it possible to revert back to 1.0.9? I can only download the latest installer from X-Aviation. I have posted regarding the stutter issues. RJS
    1 point
  4. I repaired them by cutting the cable as closed to where they route internally, to give me as much to play with, and soldered on a new 3wire cable to bypass the damaged one. I had to drill a few holes in the rudder casing, one to zip tie the cable and 2 to route from under the foot pedal into the circuit board connector. Now it works as normal. I belong to the XPlane Facebook page and on there I put a couple of pics showing what I had done. I reset up using the Thrustmaster software and XPlane hardware config and back to happy flying. In the end it wasn’t that hard to fix.
    1 point
  5. Exactly the same issue. I have posted on the link informing of the update to 1.1.0. I run a 4K monitor @ 30Hz with V-Sync enabled in Nvidia giving me 30FPS. The TBM is causing XP to constantly stutter as you can see in the data output graph. XP 11.40 and the TBM was perfect on version 1.0.9 this morning, I installed 1.1.0 and now I have a broken TBM. Running a 8700K @ 4.8Ghz, 1080Ti... vanilla install of XP with no addons at all. All other aircraft are fine.
    1 point
  6. Per definitionem you will not hear the takeoff config horn while in the air. Being on the ground is one of the preconditions for it to sound. Confusing this caused the loss of the helios flight 522 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helios_Airways_Flight_522 The intermittent warning horn in the air means excessive cabin altitude. You need to make sure your pressurization is set up correctly. Jan
    1 point
  7. You are welcome gunner. check out some of my 340A videos on YouTube. Example:
    1 point
  8. Hey, Brad, thanks for taking the time to help me with this. I'll give it a try and report back. Very much appreciate your help.
    1 point
  9. gunner, It is a bit tricky at first and a bit unwieldily because of the position in the cockpit of the MSP, APA (altitude selector), the pitch-wheel (center console) ,and the EADI reading. I have a view set in my cockpit that shows all 4 at once as zoomed in as possible. 1. initial climb: set target altitude on the APA; use the low, medium, or high IAS setting by just clicking the the CLIMB button until you see the desired VS on the EADI (personally I use the 141 IAS until 10000) 2. enroute climbs: set target altitude on the APA, then press the VS button on the MSP (yellow light), rotate the pitch-wheel down (down arrow), and watching the EADI, wait until the desire vertical speed is showing and then quickly release the wheel (increase power) 3. descent: set target altitude on the APA, then press the VS button on the MSP (yellow light), rotate the pitch-wheel up (i[ arrow), and watching the EADI, wait until the desire vertical speed is showing and then quickly release the wheel (I reduce power) Make sense? If it doesn't work, chances are you forgot to set your target altitude. Brad
    1 point
  10. Please read the tutorial flight manual. This information would certainly be there
    -1 points
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