This is probably gonna be met with some nasty remarks, but this is my opinion.... I own the IXEG 737, I enjoy it very much, my frustrations comes to the lack of updates. It has been a couple years (yes years , not days , not months) Hold is still not there and cabin doors yet to open. Fair to critique? Yes I believe so. Yes I know the cabin doors are eye candy, but is something that others have been able to accomplish and virtually all payware at comparable price certainly have this. The FMC Hold is a long time coming and not something , in my opinion , should take this long. We are speaking years , ladies and gentleman.
Aside from the above remarks, I have nothing but admiration for the plane. It is a real joy to fly and has given me hours and hours of enjoyment. Sad that I don't fly it as much I once did. I have purchased many, many payware items. To the fine folks that have made this plane available, I say , time to get some stronger coffee, get off your duff, and address these two issues please.
Yes, my avatar is listed as "NEWBIE", no I normally don't comment on message boards. I do use them to seek information. I am not a real pilot and therefore don't think I have much to offer that would be helpful, I leave that to the other fine folks who know what they are talking about. I have owned the IXEG for a considerable amount of time, and flight simming has been a hobby for many , many , years. Thought I would address this, before any bashing about status should begin.