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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello All. This post will be locked as its only intended for public statement. While many people are aware of the IXEG Development status, many others will not and so this post is intended to provide clarifying information. For a while now, IXEG development has sat relatively idle. The reasons for this are multiple and have been stated in other forums; however, two significant factors contributing to that idleness have since wained and IXEG are looking at how to best move forward with IXEG updates again. There are two areas we are looking at for updates, 3D cabin/doors/animations and the FMS. Regarding the FMS, IXEG are looking at transitioning to the XP1100 Navdata format, which is derived from the ARINC 424 standard. Moving to this dataset format would yield increased accuracy in the representation of procedures and more practical data with which to improve LNAV / VNAV / performance caclulations. If it turns out that porting our code to the new XP1100 format is too cumbersome in the short term, then we will seek to patch what we have now and transition at a later time. The important thing is that IXEG are moving again to improve the FMS. Regarding the 3D, this will be a bit more of a undertaking. The development tools IXEG used for 3D development are nearly fully deprecated and there has been a major transition to newer tools and methods. This necessitates IXEG reconfigure our source material to the new formats and we have a LOT of 3D material to translate. This means that the 3D updates will be longer in coming than the FMS updates. Once the 3D is ported to the new tools though, any updates we implement thereafter would come much quicker, simliar to what was done shortly after our release for those that recall. We apologize for the idle time and appreciate all our customers and any patience you've exercised. We are sincerely committed to making the most immersive and accurate simulation of this aircraft as we can and will continue to push towards that goal, no matter where its end may be. -Tom Kyler
    1 point
  2. I spoke to John Spahn earlier and he told me I would be better off sending the log over here for possibly Frank to take a look at :) Thank you :) Log.txt
    1 point
  3. It looks like perhaps something unexpected was in your FSGRW weather data. If you still have the fsgrwsmp.rwx file that was in place when the crash occurred, I'll need it as well in order to figure out what happened. This sort of thing usually clears itself up once new weather data is downloaded, but we definitely want to figure out what caused this if we can.
    1 point
  4. Tested it in VR. Works great. It seems I even gained a little performance.
    1 point
  5. I am jumping in as a neutral new customer of the plane. The bank angle problem is annoying and since it is fixed in the new update I do not understand why a hotfix can't be released. Most of the other stuff is working ok (engine temps are broken but we can survive without them). Also by the devs it was mentioned that the plane is actually an XP10 plane but ported to XP11. In the store site it isn't really clear that it is an XP10 plane. It says XP11 compatible and "X-Plane 11 Only" so I would expect that it works perfectly. It isn't like XP11 is something new. I do appreciate that the devs are still updating it though and what is clear is that a lot of love has gone into making the Saab. What I want to bring out is that there are reasons to be a bit disappointed after buying the plane, at least for now. Also communication is important and I wish that LES would give a bit more info than "we do not release dates" kinda answer. I understand that people get disappointed when a "deadline" is missed but a LevelDsim approach where you say little for years is also a bad way for communication. It just ends with frustration. Saab V2 has been announced for a long time but there has been no update at all so it will cause curiosity and frustration. Is there anything bad in just sharing a bit of planned upgrades and a loose percentage of how done it is. FlyJsim have a fantastic way of communication via their Discord where they livestream their update programming and 3d designing and so has HotStart (yes I know Goran is in there) so it would be nice to improve communication to loosen the tension. It is up to you if you choose to answer but please don't become defensive. I mean this meant as positive criticism since it is clear that you guys do care and love the plane and want us to have a great simulation experience. Regards, Manfred
    1 point
  6. I'll look into it, this is the first time I've seen this.... 4.8 will have this fixed..
    1 point
  7. And I'll have to defer to @JohnMAXX on the texture issue. We do have a whole new set of cirrus textures to choose from in the upcoming 4.8 update however, which will probably offer a solution for that.
    1 point
  8. We're working on it. Still a few things to take care of. All moveable parts in the cockpit have been re-animated with new datarefs. Some code still needs to be fixed. Have to run a few tests and check lighting. We're getting there.
    1 point
  9. Hello all! I purchased the LES Saab 340A a couple weeks ago and have been having a wonderful time learning to fly it. That being said, it is undoubtedly the most complex aircraft I’ve ever flown, and as such, there are a few systems/procedures that I still don’t fully understand. I’m just going to list my questions below. What is the exact procedure for deactivating the CTOT? How does auto-corsen differ from auto-feather? Can reverse thrust be used to pull back from a gate? I can’t seem to get the plane to move this way, so I always do pushback. Is there a difference between using the tiller wheel or the rudders for nose-wheel steering? Is reverse thrust the only way to slow down upon landing? How does one go about calculating the center of gravity for a given flight? I’ve left it on default every time, and it’s been fine, but I can’t seem to find a formula. For example, the default KingAir C90 manual includes a procedure for calculating this value. What are the standard prop settings over each phase of flight? How do you find proper climb/decent power? As far as the last two questions, I’ve really been winging it with the power and condition lever settings. Would the charts provided with the plane be my best bet as far as finding the correct values? I just can’t ever seem to find the relevant chart, and the amount of information in them is, in general, overwhelming. I know that’s a lot, but I just have an itch to make sure I am getting the most out of this beautiful aircraft. Any feedback with any of these questions is so appreciated. Thank you all for your help, and happy flying! o7
    1 point
  10. Lets see how we go 1) Turning it off after takeoff, slowly rotate the setting knob anti-clockwise, then turn off the switch. 2) The auto-coarsen on the A model doesn't actually feather the propeller, just moves it to a minimum drag position. Theoretically if the condition that triggered the auto-coarsen event was to relieve itself, such as a momentary power interruption, the prop will go back to its set position. In order to feather it, the engine failure memory items need to be completed, i.e. power lever flight idle, condition lever fuel off. It's only designed to buy the crew time to deal with it at a safer height, a V1 cut where the prop stays at full fine (max rpm) is lethal if not dealt with immediately. 3) Yes, but safety departments would hunt you down. Always done with the control off a tug, but it is possible providing you don't touch the brakes, the inertia will cause a tail strike. 4) The tiller is connected to the nose wheel, the rudder pedals is connected to just the rudder. Below about 80 kts you won't have enough aerodynamic power from the rudder to turn. 5) You can use brakes, but typically not until reverse has brought the speed below 40kts. So much as breath on the brake pedal above 40 kts with anti-skid inoperative and saab suggests you will blow the main tyres. 6) Don't know, LES version doesn't have that info that I know of, never really looked for it. 7) Max on the ground, take-off and landing, 1230 RPM climb, cruise, descent. 8) Don't know where they are listed in LES stuff, but XP11 engine model was changed not long ago and v1.5.1 has the old XP engine data so half a chance you'll hit temperature limits anyway. Power circa 60-70% Trq / ITT below 850 on the climb/cruise seems to work, Descent, whatever is required to stop the overspeed buzzer annoying the crap out of you....
    1 point
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