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  1. @Goran_M Your welcome! I've learned a heck a lot more about the TBM 900 from you, than I'm afraid you'll ever learn from me Thanks to you, and everyone else involved with Hotstart for the awesome support. Regards, Dwight
    1 point
  2. @JackSwyr I used the FMC keyboard and 3D cockpit view for the video and unfortunately I don't know how to record my mouse movements . I also just tried it in the 2D pop-out mode and it worked fine in that mode too. Regards, Dwight
    1 point
  3. @JackSwyr I made a short video clip of my results of inputting EGLL into the FMS and hitting the Direct TO command. Worked as I would except it to. This is using the Hotstart TBM 900 Ver 1.1.8
    1 point
  4. I think some errors such as TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing..... may be normal in that I happen to see this error in lots of TBM900 logs. No sure what it's all about, but its there all the time. Others however will effect the operation of the TBM. So many variables as to hardware, and software that we run, but the files will possibly help someone to find the issue. I absolutely would not write off the TBM as IMHO it is the best!
    1 point
  5. @Gregg Seipp If you have this problem and want to reset the situation without having a repeat of the same issue do this: Go to your X-Plane 11 folder, select the Output folder, then select the TBM900 folder. Within them TBM900 folder locate the state folder and delete it. Restart X-Plane and your TBM should restart with the aircraft not on fire, nose gear up, wing tip on the ground, etc. Hoping this helps! Dwight
    1 point
  6. @JackSwyr As mentioned the attaching your Log.txt and TBM900_Log files will help others in possibly running down the issue your having. Lot of information in those files and your answer may reside within them. Blue Skies! Dwight
    1 point
  7. Thanks again for your help. As long as i can fly i can live with that.
    1 point
  8. That navaid error is nothing. You can ignore it. I think you need to get drastic now. Remove all plugins, except Gizmo, and then try again and see if it crashes. If not, add the plugins 1 at a time, and see if it crashes. You have quite a few plugins that can be the cause, but we need to be sure. And if a plugin has a bug, or bugs in it, it can cause the TBM to crash.
    1 point
  9. Grand merci vous avez gagné un nouveau client
    1 point
  10. @Bourrinopathe Thank you for your sharp eye. Both bugs are now logged and will be worked on. Cheers!
    1 point
  11. I already love this plane....flying few hours. Congratulation and thank you for that fantastic product, you made a great work. There are some features I like very, e.g. MFDs to encapsulate in dedicated windows, e.g. to define your own tail identification etc. The handling of the plane is simple and the sounds especially listening from external view when the aircraft is flying overor staring the engine …. yesss, it sounds so real. Hope many pilots will love this aircraft to motivate you to continue with your products. BR Marco Schmidt
    1 point
  12. Thank you Coop, considering my question and give good technical background why this is not working and advices to use other plugin...I will do.
    1 point
  13. While looking into some reported issues with cloud altitudes being off in certain situations, I also stumbled across a bug that might explain what you were seeing there. I've fixed it for SkyMaxx Pro 4.8 which is in the works.
    1 point
  14. OK - be sure to capture your log.txt as well if you encounter it again, as it well tell us what cloud type and altitude SMP was using. That might be important info for us.
    1 point
  15. Re: 1- Possibly! I will add that to our development list Re: 2- Already on the list
    1 point
  16. The new update is available now. In addition to fixing the issue with NOAA winds aloft data, some adjustments to fuel calculation, and the ability to print a pdf document with flight information, I have also added a new tab with Pre-flight procedures. I know, there are other wonderful checklist plugins available, but I started working on this option a while ago and I myself needed it for getting prepared for my flights. Please refer to the manual for more information. A new version of the iGoConnect plugin (v. 2.40.26) is required for this update!! Enjoy!
    1 point
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