It's an interesting and unique dynamic. The Laminar guys are always trying to make X-Plane better, in whatever way they can, and they do encourage 3rd party devs to get in touch with them. Sometimes they listen and implement fixes, but sometimes they either don't because they don't consider something a priority or they can't because it'll be taking a step or more backwards.
I'm certainly not against them moving forward, even if it means we have to fix things in our add ons (The Saab's engines are another example. Temp spikes. Sensitive Power Levers, etc...), but the flip side to that is a more accurate PT6 engine simulation within the sim.
But I do think we should be able to move back to a previous, non-beta version. The reason we can't, at least in my opinion...server space and bandwidth for an obsolete version. But that's just my opinion.