Hello Folks, I just want to say that this plane is the best GA plane ever in my 23+ years of simming.
I owned most planes, all the great birds , but this plane is one of the best if not the best.
With that said, this is a simulator, not a game or arcade type environment. It is set up to simulate real aircraft.
That means all rules apply who ever can make that happen. The more advance the sim the harder it is to fly.
Why, because its like jumping in a real TBM-900 and starting it up and then try to fly it.
No way, unless you are a real pilot and know your way around, and even then they must read the manual and all that applies.
Hot Start decided to make it as real as it gets from A to Z.
And your wondering why your having problems.
In my twenty years , this plane is making me use all of my sim skills to fly.
And I follow all the rules the best that I can. If you have never flown a complicated plane in the sim world, then it is best advised to start with say a 172.
The sim world has become mush more advance than even . It all looks so real if you have the right set up.
My set up Runs my system just fine.
So the more real the sim aircraft, the more difficult to fly in the sim world, let alone in the real world.
You back flipped your plane, because you did not know your plane. Just like in real life.
Do you realize how much damaged you did by doing that. Thanks for the reframe reload, or you would have to be Jeff Bezos to afford it:)
I have destroyed , crashed, bent and destroyed props in my TBM-900.
This plane is the real deal, so I learn from my mistakes and fly better.
I now fly like a pro or maybe close to a pro, and I enjoy learning more and more of this great plane.
Its going to take months and a couple of years to master this plane. Go jump in a real TBM-900 and see if you can do what we do in a sim.
we'd all be dead by now:)
Treat it like the real deal and you sir will enjoy flying this plane. In the sim world that is.
6700k, ASUS Z-170 MB, GTX rgb 1070, 32meg ram.3T hard driv.