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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi Devs, I cant stop flying this beautiful plane, its amazing! I had a severe icing yesterday flying in a storm system, and I had to change the flight level to avoid the ice, (first time ever since "Flight simulator 95" that it happen to me hehe, the drag of the ice and the capacity of the deice systems is perfectly modelated) As a real world pilot, I can say that the aircraft has one of the more accurate flight models that i ever saw in a flight simulator. I have logged more than 40 hours in FSE since i purchased it, and one thing that I would like is to access the payload screen after FSE flight start. I am interested only in the CG graph and the weight numbers, maybe you can show that info disabling access to the payload and fuel inputs. I know that this is not a priority, but I think that more than one FSE pilot will appreciate it. Thanks for your time! Best Regards Fernando- PS: Excuse my bad English, my native language is Spanish
    3 points
  2. Hi, I've found that the vortex option is responsible for the same bug with 11.30b. It's fine once it's switched off.
    2 points
  3. Thrustmaster Warthog customization PT6 beta range and more Download Link is ready https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/48249-warthog-throttle-deep-customization-for-tbm-900-win/
    1 point
  4. Hello Cameron, Why did you lock the first Terramax thread? We were all expecting for it to stay open until the problem showed "resolved". I also issued an official support ticket. Thank you
    1 point
  5. Good find, Chris - we really have to get rid of that option soon! Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  6. Thanks for sharing! It's been added as one of my "coming soon VA" ferry routes
    1 point
  7. All completed. Very enjoyable.
    1 point
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Livery for Hotstart TBM 900, tail number N900CN. Simply extract file to TBM-900/liveries folder. Enjoy! Congrats to Toto and Goran for an amazing aircraft!
    1 point
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