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  1. Before the end of a week, yes!
    2 points
  2. Correct - on "AUTO" the cabin lighting will go off/dim/bright dependent on flight phase (crude implementation) - but due to an X-Plane bug the light will spill into the cockpit, even though the door is closed. The workaround is to keep the seatbelts set to ON all the time. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  3. Or you can just do it like me - copy the new (Navigraph) data not only into the /Custom Data folder, but also into the /Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth Nav Data folder - then you will also use the new and updated data for all ILS approaches. Downsides: The LOC may not be exactly on the runway centerlines (on slightly misaligned airports) and you will be prompted to overwrite the data on every X-Plane update... However: The thing that is really interesting about this is that the OP said that he got the frequency for the ILS (109.75) from the X-Plane map, but X-Plane seems to use 109.70. So there are some possible reasons: 1.) A bug in X-Plane, possibly taking the data for the map from another source than the data for the actual indication 2.) A language barrier problem, maybe the OP took the ILS frequency from another (third party) "map", not the one in X-Plane Jan
    1 point
  4. Interesting, I presume this is because x-plane ignores the ILS data and only the ILS data, so you'd get DME and other stuff from the updated source and LOC/GS from the file mentioned in the blog post ($X-Plane/Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/eartch_nav.dat) It appears you can edit it fairly easily though, e.g. EDDC appeared 6 times: 4 51.14605278 013.78412222 703 11050 18 40.830 IDRE EDDC ED 04 ILS-cat-II 4 51.12263333 013.75188333 755 10975 18 220.806 IDRW EDDC ED 22 ILS-cat-I 6 51.12746111 013.75621667 755 11050 10 300040.830 IDRE EDDC ED 04 GS 6 51.14081111 013.77459444 703 10975 10 300220.806 IDRW EDDC ED 22 GS 8 51.11698611 013.74552222 755 0 0 40.830 IDRE EDDC ED 04 MM 8 51.14976111 013.79049444 755 0 0 220.806 IDRW EDDC ED 22 MM Changing the values for GS and ILS-cat-I to 10975 from 10970 causes x-plane to use 109.75: Not sure if that has any unwanted side effect though.
    1 point
  5. Adding to this, you should be sure texture compression is on in the X-Plane settings!
    1 point
  6. The frequency that X-Plane uses is 109.70 in X-Plane and that works fine. The frequency MAY be 109.75 in the real world (it is according to my charts) - but X-Plane uses 109.70. If you see 109.75 on the map, file a bug with Laminar Research, because there may be the old "curated nav data" dilemma at work here. X-Plane will NOT use any updated data source like Navigraph or Aerosoft for the ILS approach information. The only way to change those is to file a bug report on the Scenery Gateway site, so Robin Peel can change the data manually. The reason is that they don´t want ILS approaches that don´t line up perfectly (because maybe the airport isn´t in the right spot). Further reading: https://developer.x-plane.com/?article=navdata-in-x-plane-11 Jan
    1 point
  7. It's float! But that wasn't the problem: correct dataref name is ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_a_comm_ann and should be corrected in the interface guide
    1 point
  8. Here is somethting to try: Tune the correct frequency of 109.70 Mhz for the ILS 22 EDDC (IDRW). I don´t think it ever was 109.75... Let me know how that goes!? Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  9. Ok thank you that looks like a fantastic deal
    1 point
  10. Disregard my last. I found the click spot.
    1 point
  11. It is time to talk a bit about the upcoming update. A lot of fixes, enhancements, and additions are on the final stage for the 2.1.0 version. You might notice that I have skipped 2.0.x version ,because this one brings a lot of changes. Of course the plane still (always) will have more stuff to be done for the future. 2.1.0 Update includes: FMC: Top page with options to turn on/off airports/VORs/NDBs/waypoints/weather and also select between single of dual cue FD symbology. Changed a button to DIR (direct) which is the correct one (The old was wrong!) Some other buttons are not like the real plane, but, in time, will be replaced as the custom FMC development advances. AUTOPILOT: VNAV is disabled, until work out a custom logic that simulates the real aircraft behaviour. The default VNAV is tide with autothrottle which is totally wrong for that plane! YD annunciator in the PFD is fixed, button and VS/pitch wheel animations fixed/added. MFD map: Added Altitude Intercept Arc, so you can have an indication where you will reach the AP target altitude, to manage your descends and climbs. MFD: Added bottom row that displays various info. MFD EIS: Plugin driven Engine Indications, with colors depending on various stages of operation (start, normal, above limits, etc). FMOD: Initial implementation of FMOD. Engine sounds, tire bounce, different switches, buttons, rotary knobs, etc. This is still something in its infancy and many improvements/additions will come in the future. In case that you don't like it (yet), you will have the option to remove fmod folder and roll back to the previous sounds. Caution/Warning Panel: Corrected positions and operations. I have kept Parking Brake light, though doesn't exists in the real aircraft. Internal Lighting: Added map lights for PLT and FO, that you can rotate the light's head and adjust the beam. Also the cockpit lights (those under the glareshield) have been adjusted to properly lit the instrument panel. Outside Lighting: Now you can set the anticollision lights to Ground and Air, and the appropriate lights will come on. Added Wing (inspection) lights. Flight Model: Adjustments to engine model, trim and controls, and many others. What is not properly simulated and needs a lot of investigation is the propeller's model which it ok, but not accurate. This remains for a future update. Modelling/Textures/Materials: Many adjustments/fixes, including Ferrari livery fixes. A new "Blue" livery is included, the same as the default, but without the logos. I have already uploaded a set of textures, if someone wants to do a livery for the plane. Modifiers/Animations: Most of the switches and rotary knobs work with the mouse wheel. Also the "theme" is if you see a "grab" icon, then the switch must be dragged, otherwise it is a click switch. If arrows, then click for up/down accordingly. Many buttons are now animated (including FMC buttons). These are the main changes, a few more tweaks here and there, and hopefully soon I will be able to release the v2.1.0! How soon? Hoping within 2017! Enjoy some previews for now!
    1 point
  12. Before the end of a year!
    1 point
  13. And a little hint - look at the coffee liquid during turbulence...
    1 point
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