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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2017 in all areas

  1. ...and an important lesson in cockpit risk and error management was learnt! Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  2. On the contrary I think coding at every frame would be beneficial. I've stressed this to Laminar as well with their recent blitz on frame rates, which have also caused stutters where there never used to be any, high frame rates are useless if they aren't stable. Stutters due to fluctuating frame rates are far more jarring and noticeable than a low frame rate, which is why you have people setting their refresh rate and FPS limiters to 30, because they value smoothness over FPS. FPS turns into a number that gets used as a bragging point. I understand Laminar's push for high frame rates because of VR but that sad fact is the stutters that they are causing because of this will kill the experience. They've also acknowledged they exist and they won't go away until Vulkan, which won't be any time soon. Sorry for the deviation from the matter at hand but I feel they are related in terms of what developers tend to focus on.
    1 point
  3. 25 years of buying, installing and deleting products? I've had 40 years experience in buying and drinking milk. But I'm not going to go to a dairy farm and start telling the farmers how to milk a cow and sell to the consumer. I'll be honest with you, Val. In the past 8 years that we've been doing this (full time), we've had 2 people tell us we're not running our business properly. You're the second one. I don't mind people being blunt. Point of fact, I prefer it. But only when they have all the facts. You're missing 1 key piece of information in your equation. Our sales figures. However, going by what you think is the best tubeliner in all of flight simming, when put up against the others in your example, I don't think I'll be coming to you for any advice any time soon. Just doing you the same courtesy of being blunt that you extended to us. Have a great day
    1 point
  4. Dang, I am convinced now! And I also see that we must reasses our bugfixing and feature priority. As of right now, FMS, VNAV and cabin 3d are on hold until we get this most pressing omission squared away... Tom, please delete that VNAV overhaul and get cranking on the winglets! . Honestly... real classics don't have winglets.... Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  5. Great how " No offence intended" can be translated as "I know nothing about what I'm talking about but will plough on regardless causing as much offence as possible".
    1 point
  6. I am the person who came up with this "idea". And I'm pretty sure I will not be getting "sacked" any time soon, but thanks for the suggestion. It's always amazing to find how some people think they know more about how something should be done than the actual developers of the product. There are many reasons for the path we chose. And I'm sure glad you were not part of the process. Despite thinking that you know "everything" there is about aircraft development for X-Plane, you are apparently blissfully unaware of the fact that Austin is still updating the engine model, more specifically the turboprop physics. We, on the other hand, are acutely aware of what is going on and will release our products at the exact right time based on all the factors involved, not just some uninformed customer's opinion. You have no clue what goes on behind the scenes with our development process, so stop posting garbage here as if you do There are some developers who have "rushed" their releases for XP11 just so they can say they did it. That's not how we operate, and nothing you say will change that. Go troll somewhere else.
    1 point
  7. Hi Folks. Just to let you know, it is now possible to fly the IXEG 737 with a virtual co-pilot. Our 9 human recoded voices are fully type rated and can assist you with anything you need. This isn't a scripted adventure. It's rather a completely interactive crew experience. You can customize flows and checklists to match ANY real world or virtual airline. Just need a working headset with microphone to experience the thrill of voice control. You can use the virtual FO as little or as much as you want. You call the shots. Fully working demo available here: http://www.multicrewxp.com/Downloads.html Demo comes with 3 FO voice packs mainly to reduce the download size. Don't forget to also download and install additional voice packs. Thank you Gerald R
    1 point
  8. -1 points
  9. Converted form fsx or using other method ?
    -1 points
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