Nothing against IXEG, but I feel as if at this pace they will be releasing 1.1 in 2018. I understand this is their side gig, but come on, for $75 we can at least expect more consistent updates. I will probably get railed at for talking the truth, but spending $75 for quality should come with quality product support.
I am growing impatient for the brand, and while I appreciate the wonderful work you guys have done (and how transparent you are), it's a little ridiculous to make us wait this long for much needed updates. I'm not one to read or write on forums often, but I would recommend writing on your product page that this is a side-gig project and is not currently 100% finished. It's not fair to people like us that don't have the means to buy a new payware every month. This is my one payware for the year (due to money constraints).
I hope IXEG proves me wrong, and I really appreciate the work you guys have done thus far. All I ask for is TCAS, a progress page that works, and for the FMC to stop freezing..