There are plenty of videos of such out there on YouTube already.
I'm going to cross post something here that I posted elsewhere:
We have distinct representations for cumulus, stratus, cumulonimbus, towering cumulus, cirrus, and cirrocumulus. Sorry guys, but that's all you're about to see in the real world. The new HD puff overcast representation is certainly visually distinct from cumulus, and if you want something really different, there's the solid and broken stratiform options in SMP.
These clouds meet the very strict training requirements of organizations like the US Air Force, US Navy, NASA, Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, etc., all of whom are our direct customers along with hundreds more.
The only one we don't fully have implemented (partially in some instances) is altocumulus, which we may look at adding in later on.
What sets SkyMaxx Pro apart is it's ability to actively MORPH clouds into new shapes. They can start out in one form, and eventually morph to new. This is something no current simulation has.
Version 4 definitely appears distinctly different in sim than past versions as well.