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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2016 in all areas

  1. You're right, it could be worded more clearly. But it's certainly not our intent to misrepresent anything. The area covered by clouds has doubled, not the radius of the coverage. SMP4 covers an square area surrounding you (although we round off the corners when drawing it) of 320km on each side if you crank up our cloud draw area slider all the way. The maximum area covered is therefore about 100,000 square kilometers. We think more about area because that's what impacts the number of clouds we have to draw, and therefore drives performance. Doubling the area means we've figured out how to draw twice as many clouds as before. If I really wanted to make it sound big, I could say it covers 100 billion square meters! At the end of the day, it looks pretty expansive at 30,000 feet, which is what matters. And it's not trickery - you'll see individual clouds form at the horizon that you can fly toward seamlessly.
    4 points
  2. Hi all, another try at XP11! https://youtu.be/EL1cu8P0QNI
    2 points
  3. Will the lady in the back please step to the front of the bus...... Thank you....
    2 points
  4. There are plenty of videos of such out there on YouTube already. I'm going to cross post something here that I posted elsewhere: We have distinct representations for cumulus, stratus, cumulonimbus, towering cumulus, cirrus, and cirrocumulus. Sorry guys, but that's all you're about to see in the real world. The new HD puff overcast representation is certainly visually distinct from cumulus, and if you want something really different, there's the solid and broken stratiform options in SMP. These clouds meet the very strict training requirements of organizations like the US Air Force, US Navy, NASA, Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, etc., all of whom are our direct customers along with hundreds more. The only one we don't fully have implemented (partially in some instances) is altocumulus, which we may look at adding in later on. What sets SkyMaxx Pro apart is it's ability to actively MORPH clouds into new shapes. They can start out in one form, and eventually morph to new. This is something no current simulation has. Version 4 definitely appears distinctly different in sim than past versions as well.
    1 point
  5. Joomie, we're going off topic here. If you want to dig deeper into the issues you're having with FSGRW let's open up a support thread on it. We'll need to see your log.txt. I did just run a test with the latest version of FSGRW here with XP10, SMP4, and RWC. It only took between 1/10 and 2/10 of a second to parse the new metar files when FSGRW dropped them for me. With "never change visible weather" on, you shouldn't be seeing any redrawing of the clouds when that happens. If you do, then something else is going on that we need to identify.
    1 point
  6. Great reflection on the red nose... even without XP11 optimization
    1 point
  7. The first beta of SMP4 did have issues with the lighting of rain / sleet / snow, and that's what you're seeing there. They've since been fixed.
    1 point
  8. I remember something about a random selection of cirrus was written weeks ago. Will such an option be present in SMP4? I like random changes more than selecting every time a different set or sticking with the same. Screenshots are superb, now if only FPS can cope with those we are done... And I think one of the plus of Enviro (judging by screenshots) is the ability to portray vertical formations on the horizon. I hope something along this line can be depicted in SMP4 or a future patch. This really adds a lot to immersion.
    1 point
  9. I just ran some tests and performance seems fine here under 10.51. There were no changes in 10.51r2 that would affect SkyMaxx Pro, although it may use slightly more system resources such as RAM and video RAM. So, my guess would be that when coupled with SMP's clouds, you're running out of resources. Start by hitting "reset" on SkyMaxx Pro's configuration panel. Or turn down some rendering settings in X-Plane. Or try using a different aircraft, or removing custom scenery. Basically you have to decide what tradeoffs to make for performance - you can't turn up settings and install add-ons without affecting performance at some point. It's not an issue with SkyMaxx Pro itself, so no we are not planning to fix something that is outside of our control. However, Skymaxx Pro 4 will offer some additional performance enhancements and may help you once it's available.
    1 point
  10. The weather information we receive from X-Plane or METAR is not detailed enough to tell us about these specific cloud types. But we do offer a variety of high-altitude cloud textures to choose from in SMP4. The UI calls them cirrus textures, but some are definitely closer to altocumulus.
    1 point
  11. Nice window view of sunset.... John F. Kennedy Int
    1 point
  12. Bug report posted to Ben and team
    1 point
  13. Well I got the wingview (with X-Camera), it looks exactly like the PMDG NGX wing .
    1 point
  14. That's... how customers work.
    1 point
  15. Marshall explains how to temporary overcome a couple of these things in his latest video. (all his videos are excellent btw )
    1 point
  16. IXEG 737 works great in XPL11, can't wait for the texture update still.
    1 point
  17. This company likes to take money from its customers...instead of offering free updates, every 7-8 months they create a new PAID version. If you want the new, you had to pay (50%OFF limited offer is the smart trick to take the unsuspecting customer). I bought SkymaxxV2 1.5 year later ($40), then V3 (+$20) then Real Weather Connector(+$20, wich software should be INCLUDED in the Skymaxx). Now, they want more money??? What a mercenaries! Im considering to get a different cloud software by now....
    -1 points
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