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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2016 in all areas

  1. Hey guys just a basic "presentation" highlighting some of the key features that will be available in V4, more will be announced as a release draws closer......
    6 points
  2. Progress Update Hello everyone. I'd like to thank you all for waiting patiently for the release of this product. I am pleased to announce that the scenery will be released for both X-Plane 10 and 11. The product is 95% complete and the only tasks left to do are adding taxi routes, static and animated apron vehicles, parked vehicles, volumetric grass and X-Life compatibility. I expect to complete the scenery and submit it to Aerosoft for beta testing in the beginning of December. Please note that it will take some time for Aerosoft to test the scenery, fix any bugs and distribute it to the different stores. Meanwhile, please enjoy the following screenshots captured in X-Plane 11's beautiful new rendering engine. -- Click on each screenshot below to view the full detail of the scenery in gorgeous 1920 x 1080 pixels --
    2 points
  3. We're gradually working our way through the different add ons to make sure they work flawlessly in XP11. Hopefully, it won't be too long before all fixes are in place.
    2 points
  4. Overall I think the IXEG B733 working ok with XP 11 Beta. Just did a flight on Vatsim. The only Issue I had was the Gizmo crash after loading the aircraft (just closing it), not able to start the APU and some menu issues in XP11 when using the IXEG 733 (It could be XSquawkBox also that are the reason for that issue).
    2 points
  5. IXEG 737 official status: We are currently working on v1.1 of the aircraft which will include: Systems and 3D updates pluss bugfixes. As it looks right now v1.1 will be for XP10. By long experience we know that new XP runs are buggy for quite some time after release - which means - that in the beginning of a new XP run it will often be difficult for us (and you) to determine what is an XP11 bug and what is a Gizmo or IXEG bug. So officially we will not support XP11 until after the release dust has settled a bit. Rushing into XP11 is not a good idea since we might break more than we fix. This *might* change if it turns out there are few problems and easy fixes. We'll see. As for the timeframe, it is very hard to say depends on alot of factors that IXEG does not control. But basically what needs to happen in the following order is; 1. X-Plane 11 related bugs needs to get sorted and get stabilized by Laminar (if needed) 2. Then Gizmo needs to get updated by XA (if needed) 3. Finally, IXEG needs to update the aircraft (if needed) So atm our time and focus here at IXEG is on v1.1 for XP 10 while monitoring whats going on in XP11 and making sure the others involved do their part Also from experience, it usually takes atleast a few months from first beta for a new run of XP default to run satisfactory to the user. From an aircraft developer point of view we need to remember that since XP10 was released a few years ago, aircraft in XP has become A LOT more advanced, meaning that there is likely more that needs to get updated from the developers side. So we are definitely talking months before everything is back to "normal" again. So if you are a 737CL addict and/or don't like "beta software", hang on to XP10 for a while for things to mature.
    2 points
  6. Why dont you wingflex guys go do some more manual raw data departures and approaches. I bet you wont miss the lack of wingflex lol
    2 points
  7. Waiting patiently I think the card in my hand's gonna melt though before release !! Hurry !! Lol J/K Take ya time Tony
    1 point
  8. Yeah..I'll be a SMP 4 customer after it is all said and done. While I like the new haze of XP11, the clouds seems awfully "sooty" looking. I made the comment that I feel like I'm flying over post Gulf War Kuwait with all the oil fires. Even when viewed from above in bright sunlight the clouds are dark..so I'm looking forward to SMP 4.
    1 point
  9. FlyWithLUA works for me. Didn't try NOAA.
    1 point
  10. Try sim/engines/TOGA_power
    1 point
  11. Sure. The VOR is sending out a dual-phase signal, the on-board receiver can detect which part of the "phase" he is on - and hence determine the radial it is on. This in turn allows the pilot to know which way he would have to fly to get TO or FROM the station. So if the detected phase-shift is 180, you must be somewhere "due south" of the station, so flying 360 would take you right to it, while 180 straight from it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VHF_omnidirectional_range The ILS localizer antenna is creating two overlapping beams, one contains a "fly to right!!" code, one a "fly to left!!" code (simplified). If you are straight in the middle, both infos cancel each other out, and you know you are centered on the LOC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instrument_landing_system_localizer However, you (or the plane) have NO idea which way to fly to stay there! Imagine the runway is 36-18. You are ON the LOC. Unless you know that the LOC is running 360 degrees, you will have a hard time staying on it. If you know that its APPROXIMATELY north, you can react to the drift in time - so if you fly 355, you will notice it drift to the right, and can correct. But if you start out flying 270 degrees, you will be in the "fly right!!" zone so deep, that you have no idea how far right you need to go, to get it centered again (280? 290? 330?) You can observe this in the 737. Pick KSEA 34R. Dial 325 into CRS1 and intercept the LOC. The plane will INITIALLY turn to 325, then goes "whoa, this loc is running to the right like crazy, better bank to keep it centered!". Once it tracks it, you will find that its keeping exactly the correct course (to null the drift). If you have a crosswind (but set the CRS correctly), the effect is the same. Plane turns to inbound course, but notices the "drift" away from the LOC and corrects. Hope this explains it, Jan
    1 point
  12. V1.1 for xp10 is focus at the moment. We will of course also update to v11 when the dust there has settled.
    1 point
  13. enjoy this.... http://makeagif.com/i/97ntAi
    1 point
  14. This is making me laugh so hard. I don't know why but its absolutely hilarious. How high does wingflex get you? And how long have you been addicted? I happen to think it is not that important, and not even once while flying the plane have I noticed the lack of wing flex, particularly considering I can barely see the wings out of the cockpit window anyway.
    1 point
  15. Looking out of the passenger window and watching that wing flex is my favorite thing to do with the IXEG
    1 point
  16. It seems to me , that you all guys have interest in defending you friends developers. We can eat without spoons and knifes too, but I dont think you do this, like we can fly without wingflex. But nowdays it is important to have wingflex. If you dont want it go to Xplane 5 and fly on windows 95. I wonder , why you write something here and make developers never even think about wingflex. Shame on you !
    -1 points
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