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  1. The only workaround I could think of would be to hit the "reboot gizmo" button during flight. This should reload the current location database. Of course you would need to regain control of the airplane (AP defaults to OFF), but it can be done. I do it all the time, the plane is still at the same location and you just need to enter the rest of your flightplane while you fly on HDG for a few minutes... I would recommend practicing this first instead of flying for 5 hours and then messing it up. We are still working on enlarging the size of the loaded database for one of the next updates. Jan
    2 points
  2. Exactly right. And even if the FMS "thinks" that you are somewhere else, both vertically and laterally, this does not affect the airplane at all. You could program in a flight from Beijing to Hanoi and then fly from San Francisco to Seattle and the plane would just fly perfectly (although you would need to disregard all information on the CDU´s and fly VOR-VOR). The FMS is just an "aid" - but not a required device like the FMGC on the Airbus fleet. In fact it is perfectly legal to fly the 737 with the FMS (and even the AP!) totally failed.Sure, some restrictions would apply (RVSM, RNP-1, CAT I only). It may also be an interesting fact that it is not legal to base your fuel estimation on the FMS - it is purely an additional information device. So even if your vertical path is totally haywire, as long as you fly the vertical profile in a selected mode and verify that the magenta line makes sense (no huge extrawide turns due to erroneous radius calculation) you are fine. Jan
    1 point
  3. what??? no coffee ordering system integrated into the intercom? I was hoping to be able to order a drink when my wife is around
    1 point
  4. Here's the preview development video made by Thomas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqEI853IHQs (sorry I don't know how to insert directly the video)
    1 point
  5. To tell you the truth, handling a multi-restriction arrival is not the strength of our current iteration FMS... The real plane does handle that a bit better - and we are planning to get there. To save yourself the frustration for now, do what real pilots do - don´t try to micromanage your descent with the FMS, but do the math in your head and fly the airplane, instead of having it fly you. This may sound like a lame excuse, and I understand that simulator pilots are obsessed with the fully managed flight - it is my fault that we have built the plane with the real pilots priorities in mind, and not the simulator crowd. We fully plan to flesh the VNAV part out in the future - but rest assured, if you get 100 real 737 pilots into a discussion about what VNAV will do during the descent, 98% will sigh, roll their eyes and twitch their shoulders up . And I was one of the 2 remaining ones that had at least a vague idea... Fly, don´t code! Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  6. Yay, waterboarding in Guantanamo Bay! Can I get that with all-inclusive? A bit of a spoiler, but we have fully custom: TCAS EGPWS (+GPWS) - no man-made obstacle look-ahead, though, due to lack of database in XP. running already on our 1.1 testbed. We are just waiting on some more features to be done to make it a worthy "full" updated, instead of a hotfix. There will also be a new gizmo version to accomodate the new MacOS, and too many other texture, sound and other fixes to list right now. It will take another few weeks, though - this time we really want to test the **** out of it. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  7. It can be done. Jan has set the priority so it's not very likely that it will be done.
    1 point
  8. Short final to Innsbruck, Austria (LOWI) after the famous LOC DME EAST approach 737 resting on the apron
    1 point
  9. Something different for a change
    1 point
  10. Descend... Landing... And taxi!
    1 point
  11. Lining up runway 05R at Dusseldorf, Germany [EDDL] Overflying Zurich area, Switzerland Crossing The Alps southbound Hand flying localizer approach into Calvi, France [LFKC] with Flight Director and Autothrottle off
    1 point
  12. So i'm starting my second project, which is about 40 different 787 packages. Each package will contain one livery, with custom interior and exterior fittings. the planes will feature FBW plugins and a full 3d cockpit, along with a full interior and detailed exterior. A video by Ruyjo1 is available on his youtube channel.
    1 point
  13. I need my aircraft working again. Windows 10 injured my partition at an update. Have to format and now stucked and CANT FLY! This is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!! Have to record to my youtube channel and I CANT! Im not crazy to make illegal copies of this and distribute it from the internet! I buy all my software legal... This is ridiculous... Working like a crazy all those weeks and now, after restore my computer, to take a time to enjoy and record to my subscribers, cant fly/record because a system protection.. Sorry, Im frustaded... never buy nothing more from you. You have to thinking about other kind of activation, but never like this! My e-mail is aprjnet@icloud.com Need it working again NOW! I have payed 75 bucks for it.... #angry #nervous
    -1 points
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