Hi Brad, In real world operation once the aircraft passes through 1000' AGL (or another height specified by a specific operator) 1. CTOT- OFF 2. Power Levers reduce to xx% or xxx ITT (Sim purposes initially 80% or ITT below xxx degrees) 3. Condition Levers- Reduce to 1230RPM (Or another RPM specified by a specific operator) Once set, it remains at 1230 RPM for climb, cruise and descent. (You can go condition levers to max if you require Max Continuous Power, or additional drag on descent eg. Emergency Descent- Rapid Depressurisation) Regarding torque settings you need to refer to a climb power chart (perhaps in the LES SF34 documentation). For simplicity you can safely set any torque below 100%, but try to keep the ITT below 830 when below 10,000ft, ITT below 860 above 10,000ft. This is just for good engine care. (^Very similar to real airline operation. ) Condition levers go from 1230 back to max prior to the initial approach fix when configuring for an approach. Keep in mind that all the above depends on specific operators and varies across different continents for different weather/engine/efficiency considerations. Sorry I cant be more specific with my operators procedures. Remember that the LES SF34 documentation is there for specifics and was probably created from real airline ops. Hope I helped, ^Wolf^