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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2015 in all areas

  1. I gotta admit - I was skeptical, but with the 50% off incentive I went ahead with the purchase and have to say I'm very happy with the combination of performance and visuals.. You can see some screens of it in action in one of my AARs: HERE Nice job guys... BeachAV8R
    2 points
  2. SMP is an abbreviation for SkyMaxx Pro.
    1 point
  3. It is not a priority at the moment. We are totally focused on the FMS and its quite like a bridge where the middle hasn't been built...so there isn't much to show that hasn't been shown in previous videos. We are wrapping up the descent portion of the VNAV calculations...then we have to program up the enroute navigation to be able to get complete routes entered into the FMS. I think we may do one more video before release after the FMS is a bit more complete. Best I can do is simply show you where I sit every day, 6 days a week now in an effort to get this thing functional asap! -tkyler
    1 point
  4. Unfortunately, it won't be ready this year. Testing takes minimum 4-6 weeks, and we're not even up to that point yet. During testing, several release candidates need to go out to the testers as each bug is found and fixed. If I would hazard a VERY rough guess, possibly/probably 1st quarter of '16, if all goes well. Based on what's in it now, and what we can put in it as development continues, it'll be worth it. This is how it looks at the moment...
    1 point
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