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5 points
We developed a UI to give the end user tons of control in regards to performance and visual appeal in SMP. More options were added in V2 as a result users have almost complete access to the clouds to taylor it to their specific system. I am not trying to create a complete guide for using the UI but just a few pointers to help you out. If you are unhappy with the performance lets start by having you "reset" SMP to the default settings... Navigate to your plugins folder and then open the silver lining folder. Delete the settings.dat file, this will "reset" SMP.....Try flying using the default settings and make adjustments if needed..... OK now below is the UI: Most of these settings have an impact on performance some of the heavy hitters and areas to focus on are below.... Heavy hitters: Cloud Draw DistanceCrepuscular Rays Cloud ReflectionsOther options have impact on performance but I feel these 3 should really be looked at. Since our cloud engine is open ended I don't think there is a solid solution for everyone but if performance is really bad I do suggest turning off the crepuscular rays and cloud reflections first after that explore the cloud draw distance and further tweaks like cirrus resolution and overcast type will give more gains...... Additionally you can revert back to the old V1 clouds by un-ticking the High-Resolution Puffs radio button..... Other considerations: Obviously X-Plane as a whole is very open ended and resource hungry, you should consider the following: What kind of custom scenery are you flying over?X-Plane rendering options, how much optimization have you performed?Complexity of aircraft you are flying?How much AI do you have in the air?Again not a complete guide, just some basic considerations And, for instance, if you are flying a complex aircraft you may need to make further adjustments for performance...... X-Plane Rendering Options: A couple of heavy hitters in X-Plane you might want to look at: World Draw Distance-personally I set mine to high or mediumWater reflections-I usually have this off on my MBPHDR-I tend to have this on nowadays but some locations I cannot use itAutogen-since I use UrbanMAXX I set this to a lot or lower at timesShadows-generally I keep this at static Remember there is no such thing as a silver bullet in X-Plane, its a series of different systems that have to be adjusted properly to work in harmony. Our clouds are just another layer on top of a bunch of complex layers and its easy to blame us for performance losses because when you add our layer unoptimized ,for your system, performance can tank......V2 is different than V1 so adjustments are needed once you have it installed. We stand by our performance claims and we also stand by our customers. I hope you re-explore the UI and get the most out of SMP4 points
4 points
I thought I'd hop on the bandwagon and add my own section of SkyMaxx porn. I'm astonished at how incredible it looks... Awesome job guys! King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France4 points
3 points
Flying over the skies of Society Islands with Skymaxx 2.0 I hope you like2 points
2 points
So today another plane decided to land on a Sarasota beach... luckily this time no injuries were sustained by the pilot or copilot. I went for a look myself and decided to take a few pictures... and being the typical jokester that I am, I took the following shot which caused a frenzy with my family and friends...1 point
Great guide to consider. Thanks. Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk1 point
Thank you—will give those a try. Alpha layers seemed to me to be a potential source of trouble, but I honestly don't really know what I'm talking about. Love UrbanMAXX, by the way. Thank you for your great work on that.1 point
1 point
Update. Don't exactly know what I did except move all my custom scenery and aircraft back into the XPlane folder and now getting good frame rate with SMP V2. Currently flying Carenado BE58 to Nice and getting 26 fps with broken clouds below. Now that I have it working, I can see that V2 is much more visually appealing to V1. Thanks for the great work John. Nano Good luck to Saynday. Hope you get it running well.1 point
It is this sort of attitude that prevents authors from creating progress threads. Considering that he is trying to create a great add-on for the community, for free, your attitude is way out of line. But maybe you would like to create a quality 787 model for us all?1 point
1 point
Aerobask's DA 42 v2.0 (with my G1000 mod v1.5) from Innsbruck to Salzburg: Unfortunately the weather was too good for SkyMaxx showing its abilities And I love that lens flare... About the aircraft: It's a strange thing. The real Diamond DA-42 is, for my taste, not a very beautiful aircraft; it looks as if somebody has attached two overpowered engines to a small glider. However, I like Aerobask's rendition of this aircraft very much. It does not look photorealistic, not the style like Carenado and others have. Instead, it looks like from a glossy brochure, where everything is just too shiny to be real. Also, the avionics are X-Plane standard and therefore have only superficial similarities with a real G1000 (not even with my modifications). But still: This is a good X-Plane model. Flies fine and I might say (from what I've read about the real DA-42) quite believable for me.1 point
Pretty. Un-modified SkyMaxx Pro 2.0, GlacierMaxx, XP 10.30Beta8, Heinz Dziurowitz Beech 18 VOLPAR, Thanks to all of those developers.1 point
https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUD09qGnAoxEBsPXJAQgVkqg&v=xz0QadQKmz4#t=1891 point
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It's time for a couple of V2 shots : Carenado_C172_3 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr Carenado_C172_4 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr I'll most some more tomorrow maybe1 point
Here are some pictures of my SkyMaxx Pro 2.0 test flight. The Cessna Corvalis is also from X-Aviation and still the only X-Plane aircraft with integrated (i.e. in 3d cockpit) plausible G1000.1 point
I'm not dead... I've just not had wifi for the last month, i'm a counsellor at camp atm, so i will be very distant1 point
Will this plane ever be released, or is it your personal toy which you developed and all we will ever see are your picture flying it?-5 points