Not much to tell. With the 3D very close to completion, we are focusing on the FMS. Being this is our first project and not having the benefit of being involved in FMS programming prior/leveraging others code or reusing our own existing code yet, we are having to create the FMS from scratch.....and well, it takes a while. I expect things to be very quiet on the forums for some time while we continue on this path as there will be nothing to show until its complete. I will say we are well into it though and moving along predictably. Do not think that lack of screenshots or updates of visual items means the product is stalled. This programming thing will go on for a few months yet. When the FMS is finished; however, we will begin the "wrapping up process", which involves punchlist 3D items, beta testing, document proofreading, marketing, tutorial development, distribution infrastructure and will easily take several months also. We are on the home stretch, but its a long one. TomK