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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2013 in all areas

  1. Good morning Gentlemen. It is Christmas and I was thinking if I should post here and not to sound corny at the same time. I decided to go for it and I hope majority will enjoy. So... All Leading Edge Simulations Team, Goran, Theo, Jim, Ben, Tom and Cameron ( In the order listed in Intro document ), SkyMaxx Pro Team as well as all virtual and real life pilots: Merry Christmas to all ! Thank you for the support and great discussions in XA forums. Here is my little "gift" , short video from Alaska flight with SkyMaxx Pro and real weather flying on VATSIM. Total immersion and pure fun.It would not be possible without your efforts. Thank you all. Enjoy! Cheers, AJ
    5 points
  2. I reckon that if you're going to say something ... make sure it's constructive ... flesh it out with specifics and information that can help get to a resolution; otherwise you're just sh*t stirring. There are enough whacko's on the Internet who'll spread innuendo until it becomes some hard to pin down truism that the uneducated start to believe is fact. Plenty of examples of this kind of cr@p happening before in the XP universe. You're not that kind of guy are you mate?
    2 points
  3. Sunday Beaver Update 3 Hello, It is Sunday and time for another update. As you know, I created the View Control System for the Beaver this week and I hope you enjoyed the screenshots so far. In addition, I continued with systems coding and the animations of the external model. The first livery is still WIP, but hopefully I can show something soon. Besides all the technical stuff, I would like to talk about the Beaver release today, and I can imagine that a few of you are interested in this. The full modernized Beaver package will include the regular tire version, the cargo version with bush tires and cargo door with the corresponding interior and the amphibious version. As I know a lot of you are really waiting for the release, I came up with a release strategy and it will be a two step release. The first release will be the regular tire version only, but of course it will have all the features and will have gone through the full test cycle. So don't expect a degraded version. It will be full payware quality! The second release will be the full package, with all the version mentioned above. I chose this approach, because I would like to get the Beaver into your hands as soon as possible and I don't want you to wait until the full package is finished. I know a lot of you are waiting for this aircraft and I want to give it to you. Again, it will be fully developed and tested and at the moment, I just concentrate on the regular tire version. The one you have seen in the recent screenshots. It will come with three liveries and a blank exterior texture, so you are able to create your own liveries. I hope that nobody is disappointed by "just" getting only one version at the beginning. Well, most payware aircraft just come with a single version. The full Beaver package will have 3 different versions in the end. Now, I would like to give a few more details on the pricing: ============================================================ Step 1 The regular tire version for a price of $24.95 Step 2 The full package, including all three versions mentioned above for a price of $34.95 ============================================================ As soon as the full package is available, the single version of Step 1 won't be available anymore. Customers can then only buy the full package. Launch customers who bought the Beaver of Step 1 will be able to upgrade to the full package of Step 2, for $5. So they pay $29.95 for a high quality aircraft which comes with three different versions, instead of $34.95. I really hope that you are happy with this approach and I think it is fair! Now we come to the release date: ============================================================ Step 1 The regular tire version will be available in Spring 2014 Step 2 The full package, including all three versions mentioned above will be available 2-3 months after Step 1 ============================================================ So here you have all the details and in the coming weeks, we can purely focus on the technical updates again. You all have a great Sunday and of course a Merry Christmas!
    2 points
  4. Hi, Merry christmas with many landings at Princess Juliana!! I hope you like
    1 point
  5. Possible but un probable, weird well keep us posted either way...
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Yeah looks like Xplane limits the possibility for tweaking at this point... However, maybe future development brings new areas to work at... Nice to see all guys staying up with the user requests and trying to get the best out of it. Merry Christmas to all.
    1 point
  8. Trying out the new VER 2.1b update
    1 point
  9. All license related issues must be sent in by email to X-Aviation. We do not handle these on the forums.
    1 point
  10. they are not the same. I am not sure if the blender scripts for version 2.69 contain xplane .OBJ import scripts, I do not think so. The original "xplane2blender' scripts for blender 2.49 DO have an import option for xplane OBJ; however, it is a bit limited in that it does not support a lot of "modern" OBJ commands. The method to import an OBJ into blender is to: 1.) Use Blender 2.49. Menu item under import exists 2.) IF the import fails (which it probably will), remove all lines in the OBJ text file that begin with 'ATTR'. This usually requires a custom script or 'GREP" search/replace to remove those lines as there might be a lot and hand removing could be tedious but doable. 3.) Retry the import 4.) If successful, save and then open with Blender 2.69 CAVEATS: Make sure the 3D cursor is at the (0, 0, 0) position before the import. IF the import fails after cleaning out all lines with "ATTR" in them, then clean out the lines beginning with "ANIM". If that fails, clean out every line that doesn't begin with the word "TRIS". Only do this 'cleanout' on the part of the OBJ at the bottom of the file...after the sections with lines beginning with "IDX". those IDX lines and all above must stay intact. The blender 2.49 import script will choke on some "ATTR" and "ANIM" commands so that is what you want to clear out. TomK
    1 point
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