The wait is over, and VATSIM users may now fly under 64-bit! This has been a long time coming and we have really been placing pressure on this as we have dropped 32-bit support in our products at X-Aviation. I'm happy to finally see this public and able to be downloaded. Enjoy!
I figured that it was about time this plane got it's own development thread as the modeling is nearing completion and I do plan on finishing it at some point. It's obviously going to have a 3D cockpit and all that, the instruments are all already modeled in 3D despite not being all laid out on the panel yet. You can find some pictures below. The landing gear renders have been posted before but I'm posting them here as well so you can get a feel as to the level of detail I'm going for with this plane. Cheers
Sharpening up all the text on the overhead, I think you can tell where the changes have been made and how much better it is This was based on the technique Ramzzess used on his IL-98. 777 and 757, but organized in a different way. Despite the larger text, this technique actually saves huge ammounts of space
What happened to the main gear during taxi? It looks all right until you lined up at the runway. Then it's twisted during takeoff - looks stupid. Interesting airplane anyway. But I won't go for airliners as long as high altitude visibility and ATC is like it is. Flo
Depending on the sensitivity of the joystick, you may need up to around 10% null zone, to avoid overly twitchy reactions. When I first started back in X-Plane 8.40, I had a Logitech joystick, and needed 10% null zone so I could actually fly with my hand on the stick, without having wild pitch and roll deviations.