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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2013 in all areas

  1. There are quite a bit of controls in the UI that make a big impact on the overall look and performance of SkyMAXX Pro, for instance in this shot I increased the minimum and maximum size of the cloud puffs, used a lower contrast sky color and set the visibility CAVOK (inside the weather dialog). Is this more of what you are looking for?.....
    4 points
  2. Mystery Evening Which nice little airport is this?
    3 points
  3. I like this one! haha
    2 points
  4. Here's the finished result. Thanks again, Kieran. I wouldn't have had a clue about using PM until you mentioned it.
    2 points
  5. I would recomend the MU-2 also while you wait.
    2 points
  6. When movies are so bad they're funny...
    2 points
  7. Hi, All, I just wanted to give you a new progress update. As you know we announced release week by Tuesday earlier this week and we are now four days into a delay. This is not without good reason, though I understand frustration is likely felt by some whom are excited about the impending release. We were very, very close to hitting the "up for sale" button last week, but a number of very last minute, 11th hour issues popped up. These include: 1. An executive decision by us to re-work the manuals a bit. This is a very complex product in simulation and deserves a well put together systems manual. We have been very happy with the revisions thus far, and are moving as quickly as possible around the clock to get this done. 2. A sound issue was discovered in certain circumstances on Windows hardware. We just completed the fix for this today. 3. In a very last minute move, we made the decision to add a new menu item which will be announced soon, but it's a very handy one and pretty darn cool! We think you all will really enjoy this one when announced. We finished most of the coding on this feature through the night tonight and are currently testing it. 4. A flight tutorial is currently being created. It just seemed like the right thing to do. We have worked extremely hard since we made the initial "week" announcement and tried every best, honest effort to meet our timeline. These last minute decisions and unexpected items in-between have added to that initial timeline, but I assure you we are not far off from release. The extra time taken will ensure the product you receive is more than well rounded compared to any others. We'll be sure of that! We wanted to get some new previews out to at least satisfy the wait, but it's been really hard to squeeze time in for play this week with the work we are trying to pull off in a short period of time. In the meantime, I hope this update gives enough insight to hold you over for a bit. We really apologize for the delay. I assure you it will have been worth the wait! Thanks for your patience, understanding, and for reading!
    1 point
  8. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/video/raw-video-bombardiers-cseries-jet-153000962.html And in this corner, repping the canadian team Bombardier, the C-series!!!! first flight today, quite exciting eh? also, someone jump on this ASAP
    1 point
  9. I'm not sure realism was something the director was looking for. Well, apart from the flying shark that was larger than the 747. That looked pretty accurate. Unlike the wing flex....
    1 point
  10. Its a trick in the sky colors...
    1 point
  11. Thanks frankbyte, I have a converted version that works just fine, although there are a number of issues that need to be addressed. As is right now it could probably serve for a V9 version, since the lit textures without the HDR lights do the job, however, for a v10 release I will redo the lights thoroughly, not just trow a few lights here and there. All the lit textures need to be reworked, all light sources will be brought to a high standard of realism, and the night scene at Mexico City Xtreme for X-Plane 10 will do justice to this spectacular piece of work. All the vegetation needs careful attention since the FSX conversion do not blend in well with the XP native, this meand replacing with XP native or preferably address the issues and make the custom vegetation adequate for XP. Another big task ahead is the ground surfaces and markings. We want to redo the enticer scenery to implement shaders, LIN's, POL's, and a number of other XP assets that need to be created. The good news is that the original models and textures are available in their native format and there fore is possible to generate the XP native versions that take advantage of the superior rendering engine that X-Plane offers. The original FSX version includes a lot of custom objects for the city, and also includes the entire city with custom textures for the default autogen (which are property of Microsoft and can not not used as they are right now). Mexico City is one of the largest populated areas in the world, surrounded by snow tipped volcanoes and mountains reaching as high as 17,000+ feet, seating at the bottom of a huge valley that is above 7000 feet above seal level. I would like to create a bunch of custom autogen assets to render the city more realistically, as you might have noticed by now, XP's world looks a lot like Seattle and, trust me, Mexico City doesn't looks like Seattle at all. In the long run, the time spent working on this project will benefit the final result. As a bonus, I will share the first image inside X-Plane, unedited (neither the airport or the image). Without revealing too much, showing a small area which will become the home of the CRJ200 in AeroMar livery for years to come.
    1 point
  12. Is this tool X-Plane compatible? It looks like it's for FSX!
    1 point
  13. I think the biggest difference you'll notice is the realistic placement of forests and cliffs in the world. The first time I took off in NZ with his work there all I could think was "yeah X-Plane was missing this."
    1 point
  14. Switzerland is my favorite flying area in Europe
    1 point
  15. Hi Andy, I'm disappointed so I purchased the Jetstream 32. Nothing short of fantastic. I'll purchase the Saab 340A when it is released. I'm going for the MU2 Marquise. I read Cameron's comments. I went back and erased my post. I don't know why it is there. Thanks for your comment. Happy Flying, Eddie
    1 point
  16. And if they would have released it with a known bug, you'd be disappointed too. I'll take a few moans and groans over a delay to make it right than the thousands of gripes of released to early, buggy plane, etc. X-Aviation is known for it's quality. I, and for many here, are glad they stick to this level of excellence.
    1 point
  17. Things are moving along, here is a nice SS for you to ponder:
    1 point
  18. Thanks for the update! Really looking forward to the flight tutorial a much needed document for this complex aircraft. The wait is worth it so take your time I know we will all be flying soon
    1 point
  19. ...when it's done, and not before, take your time Cameron and LES guys
    1 point
  20. \ That pretty much describes how i like to fly, or, in other words flying 10 feet above the ground doing mach 2.
    1 point
  21. Thank you soooo much!!!! You have no idea how long I have waited for one of these! You are just about my favorite person in the world right now! Amazing job.
    1 point
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