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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2013 in all areas

  1. I changed offices since my last update...working out of the house now.....approach over obstacle makes landings a bit long. TK
    2 points
  2. Pulled out an old favorite for a flight from PAPG to PANC. Terribly boring flight as there where thunderstorms the entire trip til the decent into PANC. Was neat to see the lightning and hearing the thunder!
    2 points
  3. Valentin (Hueyman) 1. Gizmo does not interfere, in any way, with any SASL driven product. It was Cameron and Ben Russell who worked with Ben Supnik to ensure this problem was eliminated. No one else. 2. If you have issues with any Gizmo driven product, you are expected to either: a. post a question about it in the relevant support forums for THAT product. b. Submit a support ticket through the X-Aviation support page. If you want to stay up to date on news relating to Gizmo or anything else related to X-Aviation add ons, it is all available on X-Aviation's Facebook page, which gets updated frequently. This thread is not a support thread for any add on. It is not for making false claims that are unsupported beyond just your word. Gizmo has been in development for 6-7 years and Ben Russell has worked extremely hard to make it a very powerful scripting language while, at the same time, ensuring it causes no problems for us or our valued customers. And that work has also been in the form of years of developer feedback on features and bug fixes (including developers who have SASL driven add ons) just to make sure no one has any problems. You're more than welcome to post any issues you are having with any X-Aviation product in the X-Pilot forums, but we expect you to do it respectfully, through the proper channels, and with enough evidence that substantiates your claims.
    1 point
  4. Hueyman has no trouble being technical. He's developing a product with another individual...with SASL...programming in LUA (obviously). He's competent enough to understand what's what. This is beyond your average Joe.
    1 point
  5. Switzerland, from Lugano to St. Gallen-Altenrhein. The SimHeaven photo scenery and the Europe library fit well together, and the Europe Library is a good alternative to OSM buildings.
    1 point
  6. OK Im going to be fairly busy this weekend but here is one last shot.....I will start doing a video series as we get closer to a release, but if you look at this image the clouds are traveling from left to right across the screen due to the wind. The clouds will elongate into rows just like the real thing. I actually saw this recently since I stare at the sky more then I should nowadays...
    1 point
  7. It works over top the default lighting system, I guess you can say it enhances it......Here is one showing how the rays will go around an aircraft....
    1 point
  8. Made some small adjustments to the height (well, actually it required me to remove everything, move the shelves lower and rebuild everything again) and to the placement of yoke, monitor and FOV (to align the real yoke with the virtual yoke). I also placed the iPad next to the monitor for XAvion (very recommendable, by the way), and to get space for adding Saitek radio panels next to the other Saitek panels.
    1 point
  9. When I was with ATC we used to call it the slowtation. The only aircraft to have bird strikes from behind.
    1 point
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