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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2013 in all areas

  1. I am moving closer to releasing the Beaver each day and I know that it has been a long time in development, but there are several things in the game here. The Beaver is my first add-on aircraft and therefore, there was a lot to find out and learn and this took quite some time. I started development primarily for XP9, because XP10 was not mature enough at this point, but the situation changed during development. Even the 3D aircraft and textures looked pretty good, I was not completely happy with it. A few months ago, I decided to start from scratch and to go for higher resolution textures etc. Sometimes, it is better to do it like that, especially if you keep an eye on the future and your development pipeline, which will be primarily XP10 for me. Probably XP10 only. Beside all that, the most amazing thing happened in my life, which is becoming a dad. As a lot of you know, this is a complete life changer, with respect to time available and other things. However, I don’t regret having much less time for development at all, because spending time with my daughter and family is much more valuable than anything else in the world. However, all this doesn’t mean that development stopped or that the release of the Beaver will not happen. Not at all! Work on the flight model, coding etc. is making good progress. There was a high speed stall on the 3D model and textures, but the Beaver recovered again. I guess I will be able to provide some news pretty soon. So please don’t expect a release within the next weeks, but some time this year is VERY realistic.
    5 points
  2. That's because, per thread, the 4770K and even the 3770K have higher performance than either the 3930K or 3970X.
    2 points
  3. 2 reasons. 1. I prefer to put my money toward flying real aircraft 2. A lot of the improvements XP10 brought are visual. V9 works fine for me. However I do want the nice visual stuff in new products. The crj for example. As to not hijack, if you would like to continue this conversation, please pm me.
    1 point
  4. Where you said you started development in V9... and future development will be "probably XP10 only," you still plan on finishing the Beaver in V9, right? I just want to make sure the only project I think I still want to spend money on is not going to make me have to spend more for XP10.
    1 point
  5. Aha I see what you did. Yep. A line between the midpoints , then splitting the line in two would yield the same point. (bah, now why didn't I think of that?! ) Nice.
    1 point
  6. Huge FSE fan. Conducting FSE flights with online ATC is a combination that's hard to beat. Since I pay for the operating costs on my real airplane, I enjoy using the cost saving techniques that I apply there to FSE, too. For example, I pickup my clearances with ATC with the avionics on but the engines off to minimize my engine run times. I lean as much as real world operations allow, etc. FSE is a great scenario generator, too, dragging me between city pairs that wouldn't immediately leap to mind. I fly with real weather and generally the real time of day to maximize the variety of situations that I'll encounter. Good times. Highly recommend FSE for those that are considering it.
    1 point
  7. and...... What did you fly today?
    1 point
  8. "Nicolas" for a start.....
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Saw this and just had to share. My kid is already too tall for one, good as they are $600 here!
    1 point
  11. .......... THE BOYS PRAYER Our Beer Which art in bottles Hallowed by thy sport Thy will be drunk I will be drunk At home as it is in the pub Give us each day our daily schooners And forgive us our spillage As we forgive those who spillest againist us And lead us not into the practice of wine tasting And deliver us from Tequila For mine is better The chicks and the footy Forever and ever Barmen. ----------------------------------------------------------- THE GIRL'S PRAYER Our cash Which art on plastic Hallowed be thy name Thy Gucci watch Thy Prada Bag In Myer As it is in David Jones Give us each day our Platinum Visa And forgive us our overdraft As we forgive those who stop our Mastercard And lead us not into Katies And deliver us from Sussans For thine is the Dinnigan, the Akira and the Armani For Chanel No. 5 and Eternity Amex
    1 point
  12. Is it just me, or did X-Plane productivity just skyrocket 500%?
    1 point
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