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Cessna Citation and other things.


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So here's what's happening.

The Saab is still being worked on. Quite a bit of work in the programming department has already been done on it, as well as re-modeling and re-texturing some of the cockpit that was done in the 2nd half of last year. I'll post screenshots soon.

DC-3 update is in the works. Mainly updates in code. Flight model has had a few changes made along with a few cosmetic changes and bug fixes

The 747-200 and -400 are still moving forward but they are long term projects and a lot has been happening on those in recent months. Don't want to elaborate on that just yet.

I really want to, and plan on finishing the Hawker 4000, but it will need quite a lot of programming and an FMC. I was almost prepared to just add some kind of basic FMC, but after talking to Cameron and Theo about it, we all agreed it needs to be done properly. So the Hawker 4000 is just on hold until we can get it programmed properly.

So, after making a bunch of prop aircraft, and while Theo was busy texturing the DC-3, I had very little to do, so I started work on a Cessna Citation II sometime in November last year.

It's quite far along now and shouldn't take much longer to finish.








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I do impressions. Here's mine of Goran-

Yea so my wife was hogging the bathroom. I really had to go, so to take my mind off of it, I made this:

I'm still not happy with the human figures. I may redo them next time I have a cup of noodles in the microwave or something.

Remember that Goran is not really human as we think of other humans. "He" and is co-machine, Theo, are really experiments that have gone beyond artificial intelligence into the realm of "artificial creativity." Unfortunately, they have also become self-aware, which means we have no idea what they will create next! I'm just glad I live half a world away from this monster. None of us should feel safe! :)

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I do impressions. Here's mine of Goran-

Yea so my wife was hogging the bathroom. I really had to go, so to take my mind off of it, I made this:


I'm still not happy with the human figures. I may redo them next time I have a cup of noodles in the microwave or something.

I'm trying desperately to think of what movie this is from, but am failing miserably :(

Citation looks great Goran.....but I so need the SAAB, any pix for us plebs... ;)

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I'll look into posting a screenshot of the Saab center console soon. I have to say, Theo has done some bad-ass texturing on it this time.

We've settled into a nice groove now and big things are happening. I'll elaborate at a later date when we have off-loaded some of our current work.

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The modeling and flight model have been done. Texturing has started, but we're dedicating all our time to the Saab for now. Once the Saab is finished, the Citation will be getting most of the attention (I have another fully modeled aircraft waiting to get some color.)

Thankyou for your quick reply and looking forward for this aircraft. I have more than 1,500 hrs flying in real live Citations 500's series.

Keep going with the finest aircraft a have seen.


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