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VR Feedback/Recommendations


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Great work on this plane - I am loving it. As a primary VR flyer, I wanted to give my feedback on my experience so far (I know there have been other threads, but they are closed before others can give feedback - understandably to keep them under control).

I think the VR experience for a day-one release is fantastic. No issues with flying the plane. My only feedback would be:

1. The ability to communicate with the fuel truck, ramp worker, and use the cell phone inside VR (make the menus similar to the study menus that are usable in VR). This would only apply once inside the cockpit.

2. Several 3-way test rocker switches do not centre in VR. I *think* this might be an X-Plane VR controller limitation and not an issue with the plane.

3. Limit the knob rotation sensitivity (although this is something a user can easily accomplish to their own liking in VR config)

In terms of movement inside the aircraft - for me it's not as huge a deal. Yes, VR hotspots would be appreciated (maybe even just one near the door so that it can be closed without having to leave VR).

Again, just some items to add somewhere on a future to-do list. Nothing mission critical or immersion-breaking. This plane handles great in VR (the HUD is fantastic!) and I am having lots of fun. Thanks again for all of your hard work.

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2 minutes ago, Kothnaaken said:

Also there were a couple three way switches that did work, just mostly the testing related ones that did not.

You're right. I think any switch that mimics a pull-down action to return it to centre does not work in VR. All the standard 3-ways (i.e. 3 distinct stop positions) work fine in VR.

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55 minutes ago, Kothnaaken said:

To add to this one other major thing I ran into was that there's no combined throttle manipulator and they'd immediately snap back to idle upon releasing them. Also there were a couple three way switches that did work, just mostly the testing related ones that did not. 

I agree with that, the throttle handlind in VR deserves a bit more love :)

As @JC_YYZ mentioned with point 3 - most rotation knobs are for me waaay to sensitive, especially dialing things on PFD/MFD (settings) is currently somewhat painfull.

In addition, it seems there is currently no way to get the interactive checklist in VR? Or am I somewhat blind?

Also currently only the "Ergonomic Yoke" mode seems to be included, not the realistic one which would improve the overall experience imo.

Also the Chart zooming does not seems to work in VR currently if I got it right.

Interstellar job guys, congrats, wow!


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2 hours ago, louism said:

Guys when you move the throttles with the manips, do they go right back to idle or is it a config provlem on my side?

I haven't actually tried moving the throttles with the manipulators as I am using a Bravo hardware throttle and once I unlock them, I don't touch them with the manipulators again.

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Great feedback for me as potential VR only customer of the CL650 as I am considering getting it but am/was worried about VR compatibility - thank you very much all! Helps in making a buy decision ;)

Manip sensitivity: so everything manip sensitvity related is okay for me as that can be tuned in a vrconfig file very easily myself. No deal breaker

Hotspots: for those that already have this bird - use this easy to use plugin to create your own hotspots. It is really easy and well made! Will create and save a vrconfig for you. VR Tools Plugin

Ability to communicate with services: that would be nice to hear getting picked up by Hotstart at some point. You can still go via the challenger plugin menu can`t you?

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6 hours ago, zrh28 said:

You can still go via the challenger plugin menu can`t you?

I have tried using the plugin menu and it works for removing/adding chocks (and I forgo using the hand signals for starting engines). However, when you select the phone or fuel via the plugin menu, it brings up an empty window with no options.

I know the development team is aware (they have been very upfront about the VR capabilities) and I have established a workflow that seems be adequate for using the plane in VR. I typically do everything in 2D (start in the FBO, walk to the plane, do most of the checklists). I only go into VR once the passengers are inside and the door is closed. Also, when I am flying, I don't use the sat phone to call the FBO (it doesn't work in VR) and I wait until I am on the ground and through checklists to call the FBO to pick up passengers (otherwise they will still be on the plane next time you fly if you leave from the same place). This workflow seems to be good for me, and I know that over time they might look at adding the ability to access windows (fuel, cell phone, etc) inside VR.

The hotpots tool is a good one. Especially for creating one near the door and maybe another near the lights/PA controller in the galley.

It seems a good number of us fly in VR and it's always nice to see developers out there give it some attention. With the lower(ing) cost of VR hardware and capabilities of systems increasing, I would guess that more and more people will pick it up.

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6 hours ago, JC_YYZ said:

I have tried using the plugin menu and it works for removing/adding chocks (and I forgo using the hand signals for starting engines). However, when you select the phone or fuel via the plugin menu, it brings up an empty window with no options.

I know the development team is aware (they have been very upfront about the VR capabilities) and I have established a workflow that seems be adequate for using the plane in VR. I typically do everything in 2D (start in the FBO, walk to the plane, do most of the checklists). I only go into VR once the passengers are inside and the door is closed. Also, when I am flying, I don't use the sat phone to call the FBO (it doesn't work in VR) and I wait until I am on the ground and through checklists to call the FBO to pick up passengers (otherwise they will still be on the plane next time you fly if you leave from the same place). This workflow seems to be good for me, and I know that over time they might look at adding the ability to access windows (fuel, cell phone, etc) inside VR.

The hotpots tool is a good one. Especially for creating one near the door and maybe another near the lights/PA controller in the galley.

It seems a good number of us fly in VR and it's always nice to see developers out there give it some attention. With the lower(ing) cost of VR hardware and capabilities of systems increasing, I would guess that more and more people will pick it up.

+1 to this  - although I hope VR capability isn't an 'eventually' and rather a more urgent feature! ;-) 

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I am surprised that still many new released great model aircraft do not support VR technology to a satisfactory degree (at least at the time of product release).
VR is no longer a niche technology for a handful of enthusiasts - it's a large group of users, I think much wider than the numbers of statistics indicate.
Personally, I lose interest in the product (even when it's as perfect as the C650) when it doesn't provide reasonably flawless VR support.
I do not understand the developers' justification (I am not pointing a finger at anyone here ;)) that no one in the team has VR goggles. This is a funny translation, because used VR equipment can now be purchased for a very affordable price.

Edited by Bulva
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25 minutes ago, Bulva said:

I do not understand the developers' justification (I am not pointing a finger at anyone here ;)) that no one in the team has VR goggles. This is a funny translation, because used VR equipment can now be purchased for a very affordable price.

I have to say that this plane is leaps and bounds ahead of some planes when it comes to VR. Nothing is worse than being inside a cockpit and seeing how out of proportion eveything is (small/huge thrust levers, weird flap handles, etc). Just hopping in with a VR headset would make some developers probably laugh out loud!

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4 hours ago, JC_YYZ said:

I have to say that this plane is leaps and bounds ahead of some planes when it comes to VR. Nothing is worse than being inside a cockpit and seeing how out of proportion eveything is (small/huge thrust levers, weird flap handles, etc). Just hopping in with a VR headset would make some developers probably laugh out loud!

I saw absolutely no fault whatsoever in the 3D modeling.

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5 hours ago, Pils said:

Thanks for all the feedback. I’ve mentioned this thread to the developers and when they’re ready to tackle some VR improvements they will review!

@Pils I know you are just helping out the dev team, so please don't take this as anything against you at all - but could you please impress upon Toto that these aren't just VR 'improvements' required - the CL650 as released does not support VR for a number of it's key features. And when in VR we are having to switch in and out again just to interact with 2d menus. The most frustrating thing being that Toto had all the 2D windows working beautifully in the TBM, I don't understand the need for a backward step here..

The aircraft is great, and we're all really grateful to have something this brilliant in the sim - but could you please impress onto the team how much a fully working VR integration means to a (ever growing) significant group of users.

Many thanks,


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3 minutes ago, JC_YYZ said:

Exactly! I definitely wasn't saying this plane had modeling faults. It's beautiful in VR.

However, some other planes on the market...

I know, I was just fully agreeing with you! :D

I’m based at YUL by the way. I’ll pay YYZ a visit for sure soon. 

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2 minutes ago, louism said:

I know, I was just fully agreeing with you! :D

I’m based at YUL by the way. I’ll pay YYZ a visit for sure soon. 

Nice! Great to see us Canadians sticking together! Don't know about your station today, but we have plenty of wind and snow and cold here if you want some.

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5 hours ago, severniae said:

Just a note to my fellow VR users - I'm nearly finished creating a vr config file that makes VR even better. Also fixes the 3 position switches and makes then snap back to center again. PM me if you would like it when finished and I will send a link...

Yes, I'm interested in a modify VR config file to help with the VR immersion. Will this config file also correct the Yoke to allow for proper manipulation?

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2 minutes ago, K4bel123 said:

Do you guys also have to set HDR to on in order to use the HUD? If I use the Medium option, the HUD symbology appears below the glass for me. I'd love to be able to use it in the Medium option as my frames are tanking otherwise :/

I have HDR set to 'ON' in my sim. I haven't tried it without. I compensate by turning down reflections and shadows off. I also have AA quite low and AF off.

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I was able to modify the object file and create a VR config file which includes some teleport spots as well as the ability to properly control the yoke. I have not touched anything else as I think they will come with an update at some point and are not required as a needed item at the moment (ex. 3 way switches.). Just skip those items in the checklist and you'll be fine. Also, if you want to control any interior cabin lighting, you will have to do it outside of VR until they make some changes to allow for manipulation with the VR controllers.

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