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Take Command! IXEG 737 Classic v1.33 Update Released!


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Hello All,

This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.33 update for the Take Command! IXEG 737 Classic. All customers who have purchased the IXEG 737 Classic up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the IXEG 737 Classic from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.33 for you.

It is for X-Plane 11. If you use X-Plane 10, you can still install an old version of the aircraft from the installer, but this update does not otherwise apply to you.

Caution: This update is optimized for XP11.41 and newer only! If you run it any previous X-Plane version it will still work, but the aerodynamic model gets changed and will not fly "by the numbers" anymore! Install at your own risk (make a backup of the aircraft folder first, especially if you run XP10)!

What if I didn't get the update e-mail?

If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do:

1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php

2. Find your original IXEG 737 Classic download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version!

The following is a list of additions/fixes included:
Bug fixes:

  • Fixed gizmo crash when picking a runway that is not supported by the selected STAR
  • Fixed gizmo crash when selecting certain procedures while the LEGS page is open on left CDU.
  • Fixed spelling error that caused problems with case sensitive operating systems
  • Fixed rolling digits behaviour on FLT ALT (pressurization) window when scrolling down with mousewheel
  • Fixed EGT indicator needle on steam instruments not pointing to correct values
  • Fixed FO side glass pane not moving with sliding window
  • Fixed weird altitude restrictions shown, like 0000A/5000B
  • Prevent wind display going blank in flight with strong headwind and low groundspeed
  • Prevent windshear warning going off when not warranted
  • Fixed various lua errors related to procedure selection


  • Made N1 fan disk be opaque when viewing engine from behind while running
  • Enabled fire warning/fire fighting and auto-shutdown for APU
  • Enabled engines to restart after extinguishing a fire without having to reload aircraft
  • Implemented full ignition system behaviour (electrical supply, start- and selection switch dependencies)
  • Increased "grab area" of both-throttle manipulator for VR and mouse users
  • Adjusted "grab area" of engine start switches to be more intuitive


  • Added many custom commands that can be mapped to hardware or keys
    Added 8.33kHz support for the radios


As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support!

Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.

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Ok, it does work as long as you dont put an assumed temp on the N1 lim page. Say you start with a N1 of 92.1% in the N1 limit  page, it works and the carot value shown matches that of its position on the N1 scale. Then, I select 67C for assumed temp and the N1 limit for TO is reduced from 92.1% to 87.1% in the N1 limit page but the carot (which at this point are set automatically) does not move on the scale to show the new value (87.1%), instead, It stays at 92.1% but when I go and pull the N1 ref Knob, it diaplays the correct reduced N1 value of 87.1% (see pic attached)


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Ah, I get it!

The carot will actually always indicate the "full power" N1 (20k lbs of thrust) for the given conditions. The reason is that a pilot needs to be able to quickly set "full thrust" in an emergency. The carot will not move down (in automatic mode) for a derated thrust.

Once you pull out the knob for manual setting it will move to the "indicated" value that is shown in the little window.

Cheers, Jan


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14 hours ago, qinyang001 said:

download slowly。very slowly。just 3kb/s。


Yeah, I'm seeing the same on my end. The  X-Pilot.com and X-Aviation.com sites are running fine with my usual internet speed, but the installer's download rates are well below 10 KB/s since a few weeks.

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Latest version of Gizmo 64, I've had one small issue but 3 times now. Only once did Gizmo 64 actually crash and I had to reload it. The FMC is getting stuck at the flaps restriction speed of 225 knots. Sometimes it doesn't and sometimes it does. Upon going to flaps up, the speed never resets and stays at 225 knots. I remedy this by using LVL CHG mode and setting the climb speed on the MCP. (However VNAV becomes unusable, even during climb as it's stuck under the flaps speed restriction) But this last time, Gizmo 64 window came up and said it crashed due to a parsing error and something about "FMC CLB" or something like that. Either way, looks like there's an intermittent error that makes it so the FMC won't reset the speed after flaps up. 

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Hi airfrance,

if you could pinpoint the problem somehow to a certain SID or so that would help - I have not seen this myself, but it could be isolated to a certain procedure and/or navdata provider. At any rate, we should never see a lua error, so I would like to pin this down, even if the "speed limit not resetting" will probably be fixed when we rewrite the VNAV functionality.

Cheers, Jan


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I just purchased this and no matter what I try, I cannot get the throttle to move with the throttle lever on my Saitek quadrant. Flaps and spoilers work and when I change the lever assignments, flaps and spoilers move but not throttle. When I try to grab the throttles with the mouse, the trim wheel moves. W10 Xp 11.5RC1 with and without Vulkan enabled. When I start the engines and press N1, throttles move and reverse thrust works, but then there is no way to throttle engines back.?The passenger doors don’t open either; cabin crew menu seems to do nothing. Is there a trick to this? All other aircraft work fine.

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Hi Beachdog,

here are some "stickied" posts that will answer all of your questions, I believe.

If there are any still open after reading those, I am right here and will be happy to answer"

Cheers, Jan





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Good Day.

Thank you for the update.

My radios seem not to work with VATSIM xpliot. There are set on VH1 but no frequency is showing on Xpilot box.

When I use 'Ready to Fly" startup option, it works fine. Am I missing a switch?

Edited by Faisal
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25 minutes ago, Faisal said:

Good Day.

Thank you for the update.

My radios seem not to work with VATSIM xpliot. There are set on VH1 but no frequency is showing on Xpilot box.


Hmm, I don´t have xpilot or Vatsim - but could it be that there is a 8.33kHz option somewhere? Our radios are now working on 8.33kHz spacing, maybe this is the reason?

Cheers, Jan


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1 minute ago, Litjan said:

Hmm, I don´t have xpilot or Vatsim - but could it be that there is a 8.33kHz option somewhere? Our radios are now working on 8.33kHz spacing, maybe this is the reason?

Cheers, Jan


When I use 'Ready to Fly" startup option, it works fine. Am I missing a switch?

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35 minutes ago, Faisal said:

When I use 'Ready to Fly" startup option, it works fine. Am I missing a switch?

I don´t think so - if you apply electrical AC power to the aircraft (and the radio digits are lit and can be seen) the radios should be working...

Check that the correct "side" of the com radio is selected (little white bulb indicates this) - and also make sure that you have the transmit select button for the desired radio selected and also the correct receive button lit as well.

Cheers, Jan


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16 hours ago, Litjan said:

Hi airfrance,

if you could pinpoint the problem somehow to a certain SID or so that would help - I have not seen this myself, but it could be isolated to a certain procedure and/or navdata provider. At any rate, we should never see a lua error, so I would like to pin this down, even if the "speed limit not resetting" will probably be fixed when we rewrite the VNAV functionality.

Cheers, Jan


Problem was when it happened I was in the takeoff phase and didn't realize it until after it had happened so I wasn't able to keep track of certain details that may have caused it. I was in pretty choppy air and trying to fly the SID so I had a very heavy workload and couldn't focus on that stuff. From now on, I will keep track of these things so if and when it happens again I can provide you with some kind of information.

Edited by airfrance
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