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Skymaxx Pro & Vulcan


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Your not the only ones to have this issue and its really annoying.  It happens to both the zibo mod and ixeg but not with default planes.   If you switch to free camera mode and move the cam around the plane,  it seems to occur in a specific area in and around the outside of the aircraft.   Its Vulkan related but also linked to ad on planes and there interaction with SMP.  

I would love someone to find a fix for this as it ruins my zibo fights with Vulkan. 

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My guess would be that there is some sort of geometry outside of these third-party planes, perhaps transparent geometry, that is polluting the depth buffer. Only the makers of the 3rd party aircraft in question could address that.

You might be able to work around it by setting the cloud/terrain blending to zero in the SkyMaxx Pro configuration, and maybe also cloud shadows. Both of those features rely on reading back the depth buffer, and could create anomalies if the depth buffer isn't right.

Edited by sundog
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  • 3 weeks later...
I have the RTX 2080 Ti

I'm not really sure why you're being petty and downvoting here, but my best guess is you're not even understanding what was told to you, so let me break it down in simpler terms: it's not a SkyMaxx Pro problem.


Aircraft developers use various types of alpha and obj tricks to make products look cool. Sometimes this will interfere with draw order in interesting ways out of our control.


So, will there be a "fix" coming from SkyMaxx for this? No. Read the advice sundog already gave you that you childishly downvoted me for. That's all we got for you.

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4 minutes ago, xZone said:

As I said, I have no issues with all the other weather engines.... 

How comes ? 

Getting into this discussion without getting extremely technical would be impossible.

The coding methods to getting and drawing weather are very different between the two main programs xEnviro and SkyMaxx (the only two worth even comparing since they full on take over the default system).

It is not an Apple's to Apple's comparison, and there's not much more I can say about it.

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10 hours ago, xZone said:

Okay, I understand

In this case, I'll have to ( unfortunately ) uninstall SkyMaxx Pro

It is a bug with AMD's video drivers, not with SkyMaxx Pro. You can fix it by changing your anti-aliasing settings until AMD fixes the bug.

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21 hours ago, xZone said:

I have RTX 2080 Ti


Oh, sorry - I thought this was the thread about issues in rendering the cockpit. If it's "oversaturated sky/clouds", odds are it's just the crepuscular rays feature in SkyMaxx Pro. Try turning that off.

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I did but doesen't help

I have sometime ( dark, evenings, mornings ) some bright clouds in the front of the aircraft, I don't know how to describe. It happen when I use external views, as well

Like in the attached image. But I had it with OpenGL, also



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I did but doesen't help
I have sometime ( dark, evenings, mornings ) some bright clouds in the front of the aircraft, I don't know how to describe. It happen when I use external views, as well
Like in the attached image. But I had it with OpenGL, also

That’s your landing lights on the clouds.
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That’s your landing lights on the clouds.

They may have been off, but it's dependent on a dataref that the aircraft you were flying doesn't seem to use. If it does not reliably use the appropriate dataref, then the clouds may still show such lights.
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  • 2 weeks later...

With Vulcan b9 and Skymaxx 4.9.3 there is a big fps hit with the antialiasing settings in xplane (Ryzen 3700x/ 32Gb ram & gtx 1070Ti / 8Gb vram):

with 2*SSAA & FXAA:
clear sky: 67 fps
overcast/stormy: 29 fps

only FXAA:
clear sky: 67 fps
overcast/stormy: 44 fps

the fps hit with enabled SSAA in overcast ist now really big.
At the moment no clue, is it the new b9 or the interaction between Skymaxx and b9 which creates this big fps impact ?


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I'm confused why you are confused by this? You're asking the GPU to do more work with more clouds to achieve the AA on the multitude of clouds under cloudier conditions. Of course it's going to eat up more FPS than just FXAA!

That aside, we control nothing to do with that stuff. It is entirely sim controlled (in other words, Laminar).

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yes, correct, but I never noticed such a hugh difference (15 fps) between both modes.
Maybe I should just wait for the next betas, I guess that there will be some more changes in the xplane code until it goes final.
The last resort would be upgrading my graphiccard to a newer one ;).

But beside this I'm very happy now with the Skymaxx pro !

P.s. there is a similar discussion in xplane.org:

Edited by ernesto99
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