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To IXEG - a roadmap?


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Now that 1.1 update is released I'd like to ask you if is there any rough roadmap for future updates? I don't expect any exact dates, just knowing rough estimates would be great, if you have any; are we weeks or months away from next patch? This addon is capable of receiving incremental updates which is very nice, so I hope you will make good use of this to deliver even small improvements on more regular basis! ;) 

I love this plane and I really look forward for VNAV improvements, more FMC features and better XP11 support. I bought it last year shortly after initial release, but then it was collecting dust for too long in my hangar due to stability issues I had with FMC. Now with 1.1 it has improved a lot in that aspect, it's flyable for me in XP11 (with only some quirks) and I hope the full potential of this plane will fully materialize soon!

IXEG, please tell me I'm not wrong and we will not have to wait for too long for next updates ;)

Edited by stolowski
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1 hour ago, stolowski said:

I don't expect any exact dates


1 hour ago, stolowski said:

IXEG, please tell me I'm not wrong and we will not have to wait for too long for next updates

Rly? I suggest just to be patient. How many "hurry up" topics do we all need <_<

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, marpilot said:

I can't wait - recently I am only using XP11 :)

Is there a simple fix (in Plane Maker) for a better taxiing? I feel the plane turns too fast - the nose wheel goes too fast max.left/right...


The taxi behaviour over 3 kts groundspeed is unchanged from XP10.



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The real nosewheel goes full left to right very fast, too - thats why you move the tiller or the pedals slowly and deliberately. It´s easy to knock the flight-attendants out of their shoes when taxiing carelessly, and then be prepared to go hungry and without coffee for a few days...


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/7/2017 at 11:25 AM, stolowski said:

Now that 1.1 update is released I'd like to ask you if is there any rough roadmap for future updates?

The road map is to get the V11 compatibility version out, which is imminent....then go back over the FMS ...VNAV, holds, etc.  While that is ongoing, we are also working on new cabin 3D elements.  That is the immediate path.  After all that...and the plane is performing well and looking well, then I myself will be interested in some failures type of interaction


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2 hours ago, tkyler said:

The road map is to get the V11 compatibility version out, which is imminent....then go back over the FMS ...VNAV, holds, etc.  While that is ongoing, we are also working on new cabin 3D elements.  That is the immediate path.  After all that...and the plane is performing well and looking well, then I myself will be interested in some failures type of interaction




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8 hours ago, tkyler said:

The road map is to get the V11 compatibility version out, which is imminent....then go back over the FMS ...VNAV, holds, etc.  While that is ongoing, we are also working on new cabin 3D elements.  That is the immediate path.  After all that...and the plane is performing well and looking well, then I myself will be interested in some failures type of interaction


Thanks for sharing these plans! No surprise with regard to FMS and VNAV, but it's great to get that confirmed again. I'm very happy to see this plane is receiving well deserved love. With v1.1 it already became my favorite XP airliner and I'm pretty excited about further improvements; when official support for XP11 gets released I'll recommend this 737 to anyone without shadow of a doubt! Keep up the great work!

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Just wondering:

since you've managed to simulate a classic 80's aircraft with mixed flight instruments ( electronic & analogue ) so well, I'm wondering if you ever thought of modelling the Airbus A310 / A300-600 in a future project?

This Type as been overlooked completely in the flight simulation scene ( at least on a study sim level ), it is interestingly very complex on both System & Performance side and for sure it would be as much fun as your 737-300. So there might be a market for that Type...

Best regards,


Edited by N55E008
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7 hours ago, N55E008 said:

Just wondering:

since you've managed to simulate a classic 80's aircraft with mixed flight instruments ( electronic & analogue ) so well, I'm wondering if you ever thought of modelling the Airbus A310 / A300-600 in a future project?

This Type as been overlooked completely in the flight simulation scene ( at least on a study sim level ), it is interestingly very complex on both System & Performance side and for sure it would be as much fun as your 737-300. So there might be a market for that Type...

Best regards,


I agree about the A310/300, it is certainly a great airplane. But I don´t think we will ever make an airplane that I haven´t flown (and liked flying!) myself, so that pretty much limits the choice of further aircraft we would ponder making to one..



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