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General Aviation

29 files

  1. P.180 Avanti II

    ATTENTION: To use this aircraft, you must own a X-Aviation product, to get Gizmo plugin. If you don't own one, please don't download this aircraft!
    P.180 Avanti II for X-Plane 11 - CURRENT VERSION: 2.3.0 (uploaded at: February 25th, 2020)
    If you want to support P.180 Avanti development, please donate here: PAYPAL
    v2.3.0 Main Features
    Compatible only with EXPERIMENTAL FLIGHT MODEL (11.40+), capable of flying up to M.67 at altitude. Terrain Radar operation via PFD/MFD buttons. Tablet for aircraft loading (engines must be off and the aircraft stationary), and access to AVITAB. Librain Support. See Change Log for more!  
    If you don't have Gizmo already installed in your X-Plane copy, there is an version of Gizmo in the folder extra files. Put the Gizmo.plugin folder in you X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins folder.
    If you already have Gizmo, DO NOT SUBSTITUTE the existing one with this. MIGHT BREAK OTHER GIZMO ADDONS!!!
    If you find reflections too high, in the extra files folders are textures to change that. Copy the low reflections texture into the objects folder, and replace the existing one! 
    NOW VR COMPATIBLE with the help of SimVRLabs!

    Official Bug tracker: https://bitbucket.org/iliastselios/p180_avanti/issues?status=new&status=open
    Support Forums: 
    As you might already know this aircraft is based on X-Plane's default P.180 Avanti , originally designed for X-Plane 8, was included in X-Plane 9, and from that point has been overhauled to Avanti II version. This is aircraft is totally FREE! It is a "return" to the X-Plane community that supported us those last 4 years that we exist as a development team!
    This aircraft main features are:
    High quality visuals, cockpit all new 3D model and textures, including PBR materials. Simulated: a. startup and shutdown procedures b. engine controls and operations c. autopilot controls and operations d. partially operation of the electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, fuel systems. Emulation of Proline 21 avionics suite. Currently there is only one layout that will allow you to operate the aircraft in all scenarios. Many improvements will come in the future. Installation in the 3D cockpit of the default X-Plane 11 FMC. Improved flight characteristics. Internal custom lighting. Of course Avanti development is not stopping here! Actually the overall development will be continuous, and the aircraft will always be in beta stage. Updates and upgrades will be available frequently!
    Main planned future upgrades are:
    Adding more functionallity to Proline 21 avionics suite, heading from an emulation to a simulation. Custom NAV maps. Custom FMC. Fully simulation of all systems. New 3D model from ground up. Improved flight model. Avanti EVO. Special thanks to: Austin Meyer for giving his permission to use parts of the Avanti on this project and X-Plane by Laminar Research that gave us this magnificent simulator!
    The team that originally developed Avanti for X-Plane, Robert Pearson (aerodynamics), Massimo Durando (cockpit & 3D cockpit), and Javier rollon (External Model. JRollonPlanes www.jrollon.com) for his fantastic 3D work. @Hueyman for the propeller 3D model and the prop disc images.
    Ben Russell of Gizmo64 for his support and that made available to us that powerful tool (aka Gizmo), and Cameron Son of X-Aviation for the support.
    And of course X-Plane community for the interest in that project and patient to wait to be realized!




  2. Piaggio P.180 Avanti II (upgrade)

    VERSION 1.2.1
    X-Plane 9 version have been added.
    VERSION 1.2
    In this version are included the 3 fixes I have posted after v1.1 release (Mostly for X-Plane 10):
    -Landing light flickering.
    -A circle that appeared on FO PFD with HDR ON.
    -Added prefill object to improve frame rates (you should see improvement even up to 20%).
    Moreover, now when the aircraft is loaded, the displays are bright (HDR-ON).
    Also, in this version have been added realistic shadows to the panel when you turn on the cockpit light (the one below the AP panel).
    Version 1.1
    This version is more optimized for better performance of the low end machines.
    Flight model within 10% of the real aircraft (as per manual)
    Autopilot operations as the real aircraft
    Many functions and screen indications are SASL driven
    X-Plane 10 64 bit full compatible
    Main landing gear object has added (was missing for XP10 in the previous version)
    Electronic checklist in MFD
    Real clock functions
    Engine indication turn red when limits exceeded
    UFMC and X-FMC config files are included. Those files have been adapted specially for this aircraft
    New 2-page checklist to be printed in a single sheet
    Updated Operating manual
    You can use now the condition levers and flap lever by mouse

    Use caution when using the throttles! As in the real aircraft, be advancing the throttles too full, torque limits can be exceeded by a lot!
    PLEASE: Any questions or problems post them to the forum for this aircraft. I'm visiting it daily so I can respond as quick as possible.
    At last, I want to THANK Tony Day, who, with his experience and work, helped me to make this aircraft as real as possible.
    When switching on the landing lights (LDG position), the lights might not come on, instead the will flicker. To fix that download the file below.
    1. Unzip the file.
    2. Put the file to P180 Avanti II/Customs Avionics folder, and replace the previous file.
    3. Go and test it.
    After 7 months of work, finally is here! The Piaggio P.180 Avanti II.
    This is an upgrade of the original P.180 Avanti.
    New full 3D glass cockpit with emulation of Proline 21 Avionics Suite.
    Most of the switches are operational
    Realistic cockpit lighting
    170+ customs instruments
    Various operations driven by SASL scripts
    Compatibility with UFMC and X-FMC (config files are provided)
    Operating Manual

    It is designed for X-Plane 9, but it have been tested and performs very well in X-Plane 10 32-bit, with some minor issues. It is not recommended for X-Plane 10 64-bit.
    A detailed Operating Manual is provided. PLESE READ IT! Also, a standalone A5 size checklist is provided for printing.
    Robert Pearson, for his permission to upgrade the P.180 Avanti (and the rest of the team, Massimo Durando and Sergio Santagada, for this beautiful aircraft)
    Vonhinx, for his help with SASL.
    Dan Klaue, his tutorials inspired me into creating aircraft for X-Plane, and now I creating aircrafts and I don't fly! (well, except testing!)

    My tools was Blender and Gimp.
    At the forum: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/topic/3467-piaggio-p180-avanti-ii-upgrade/ PLEASE: Before asking for support, READ THE MANUAL!
    A "XFEED" annunciator, may indicate a problem with the plugin. By reloading the aircraft this is solved.
    In X-Plane 10, the rear legs of the landing gear are...transparent. This will be solved in the next release.
    In X-Plane 10, the cockpit during the night, with HDR OFF, is very bright. With HDR ON is ok.
    Since there is no available 64-bit SASL plugin, this aircraft will not work with 64-bit.

    At least one more version (1.1) will be released for X-Plane 9 and 10, solving any problems that will come up. A v 2.0 will be released later, when SASL 64-bit will be available and will have all the new features of the X-Plane 10.




  3. C172SP Wide Panel Project

    C 1 7 2 S P – W I D E P A N E L P R O J E C T
    Copyright © 2013 Talisman illustration design – Alan Fletcher / Alain Fréchette. All rights reserved.
    All art material contained in this archive is exclusive copyright of Talisman illustration design. No art files within, in part or in whole, may be copied, modified, re-distributed, disassembled, re-packaged or in any way be exploited for any commercial purpose without the express permission of Talisman illustration design.
    Any comment, suggestion mail to: alfletcher2@yahoo.ca
    Fast CPU (Multi core recommended)
    Fast GPU (1 Gb vram minimum)
    Large screen (minimum 1920 px wide, 2048 px or more recommended)
    X-Plane 10 running at 64 Bit mandatory for smoothness
    This panel might not be compatible with some SAITEK products including SWITCH PANEL, RADIO PANEL, THROTTLE QUADRANT, TPM.
    The SAITEK Yoke System is ok. Some simmers reported no problem using some of them though. Give a try and report any problem.
    For trouble free operation, user should only use mouse to actuate knob and lever.
    Unzip the file «C172SP_WidePanel_C.zip» and copy the extracted content into your .../Aircraft/General Aviation folder.
    For maximum experience copy, one by one, the provided «Resources files» into their corresponding X-Plane «Resources folder» (don’t forget to make a copy of the original files in case of problem).
    I recommend the usage of the excellent plugin X-Hobb (http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=11770).
    Be sure to check the ReadMe file included in this archive for more details.
    Ver 1.0 – March 9, 2013
    Initial Release
    Ver 1.1 – March 9, 2013
    Fixed a bug found in the Checklist actuating system.
    Ver 1.2 – March 10, 2013
    Fixed a problem with the 3D propeller as viewed from outside to appear not moving.
    Fixed a problem with navcom radios restricting ATIS and VOR signal to be heard.
    Add yokes visibility trigger (click on tail number plate to hide/show)
    Ver 1.3 – March 10, 2013
    Fixed a problem with the fuel pump switch showing in a carburated engine. I simply removed it to be consistent.
    Ver 1.4 – June 4, 2013
    DME receiver added (Bendix/King KN 62A)
    Extinguisher now fully functionnal. Follow Emergency Procedure if cabin fire occurs.
    Added a hidden switch over the pilot’s yoke to set input mode if yokes flicking occurs.
    Fixed a bug with the Variometer showing inaccurate vertical speed rate.
    Fixed a bug preventing the Transponder breaker to fail the device in specific configurations.
    Fixed a bug with the Autopilot device regarding altitude hold and ILS (GS) tracking.
    Fixed a bug in the Flaps actuation system preventing fixed increment adjustments with joystick input.
    Fixed a minor bug related to Vacuum gauge needle not turning off when electrical power fell below critical voltage.
    Starter sound improved.
    Ver 1.5 – September 6, 2013
    Fixed a bug related to the Transponder Power Mode Knob turning the device off under specific condition.
    Ver 1.6 – November 9, 2013
    Fixed a bug related to the Elevator Trimwheel System failing under specific condition.
    Project entirely developed in Plane Maker (no plugin involve yet)
    Match the specifications of the C172SP model modified for training purpose like a P model (160 HP, carburated, 30° max flap setting)
    A fuel injected, 180 HP with HSI version will be released later, depending how the current release is received
    Custom HD panel 2048 x 1840 pixel (implemented into the stock C172 from X-PLANE/www.dmax.it)
    (2D version only / 3D cockpit disabled)
    Day and Night textures
    Custom livery
    Custom sounds (Engine/Prop, Ground roll and contact, Skid, Ignition/Starter, Master/Avionics Switches, Primer, Breakers, Key set, Autopilot warn, Trim wheel, Flaps, Rain and Wind)
    This project required hundreds of hours of labor and thinking to make it as close as possible to the real thing. I pushed to the limit the hacking concept of X-Plane in many ways, using wrong dataref to trigger actions and instruments. The electrical system for example is highly customized to bypass some strange behaviours found initially in the coding of X-Plane. Due to the complexity of this project (just open it to see by yourself) DO NOT ATTEMP to modify the «.acf» file provided. Doing so is at your own risk. Keep the original ZIP file for backup purpose.




  4. MX Aircraft 2

    It's been almost half of a year since I released the Cassutt Racer. It's time for something new! It's time for... MX Aircraft 2!
    From Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia:
    The MX2 was based on the Giles G-202 aerobatic trainer, the first prototype was a modified G-202 and first flew in May 2002. The first aircraft of the initial production batch of five first flew in May 2005. The MX2 is a carbon-fibre low wing cantilever monoplane with full span ailerons and a conventional landing gear with a tailwheel. It has an enclosed cockpit for two in tandem on recling seats and a single piece canopy. The MX2 is powered by a 260 hp (194 kW) Lycoming IO-540 flat-six piston engine with a three-blade tractor propeller. Optimised for aerobatic speed and agility the MX2 can pull a G-load of plus and minus 12 Gs, giving it tight turns and loops and a range of aerobatic maneuvers.
    Promo Video 1 (more to come):

    This project started a few months after the Cassutt. I abandoned it soon after I saw that I won't be able to pull that project off.
    So, I posted it on the org forum as an unfinished airplane.
    After a while (a few months ago), I saw it abandoned in my Hangar - In Work folder.
    I decided to work on it again. So I started the work and I began enjoy building it. I had to re-build the wings, the control surfaces, the canopy, gear, nose of the aircraft and edit the body.
    It started to look really good, so I continued it. I published a topic on the org about the development of this aircraft which was labeled as [Freeware].
    I worked hard on it every day.
    I had quite some trouble finding a painter for this aircraft but then I remembered Hampster; he made the textures for the Cassutt Racer.
    He was in as soon as I asked him.
    So, time started to run, I got the Greg Pee livery within one week. It's been almost 3 weeks since then. I wanted to release the MX2 on the day I got the Greg Pee livery.
    But since Hampster didn't reply to any of my emails, I started to shape my own white paint.
    I believe that Hampster has some goodies in his "liveries" folder and as soon as I get them, I'll update the file with the liveries.
    For now, there are only three liveries:
    - White Paint (by me, Brent123)
    - MX2 Default (by Jack Wilette, UltimateFlyer)
    - Greg Pee (by Hamish Hall-Smith, Hampster)
    Let's go to the features of this aircraft:
    - Hi-Res textures
    - Custom Prop Disc
    - 3 Liveries
    - Detailed 3D Cockpit
    - Highly Detailed 3D Exterior Model
    - Custom Sounds
    - Normal Maps (mostly to hide the triangles on the model)
    - A side menu made with SASL (Checklist, Aerobations & Credits)
    There are two more acf files, one is v10 and the other one is "If You Dare".
    Tested in X-Plane 9.7, X-Plane 10.20+, 32bit & 64bit.
    The creation of this aircraft would not be possible if there weren't for these people:
    - Steve Hatfield (support, flight model development, betatesting)
    - Ilias Tselios (help with the cockpit, animations and SASL)
    - Jack Willette (for making the "Default MX2" Livery)
    - Hamish Hall-Smith (for making the "Greg Pee" livery)
    - Jordan Palmer, Nathan Powell & Sara Gomboc (betatesters)
    - Peter Tram, Oz Grinfeld & others (for support)
    I'm really excited about what you guys think about it!
    Please rate and comment!
    Remember: it won't make the aircraft better if you say that it sucks, neither will if you say this is a great airplane, 4*. I will fix all of the bugs that will appear.
    Enjoy it guys!




  5. GROB TUTOR 115E

    The Grob 115E is a two seater aircraft used by the RAF as a basic trainer.
    Optimized for WIDESCREEN 1920x1080 display (Non-Widescreen monitors users set screen to 1280x1025 to fly from right hand seat as default - use cursor keys to view left hand seat instruments)
    Wiki - description:
    The aircraft is constructed of carbon composite materials. The main fuselage and each wing spar is a single piece. It has a fixed Tricycle undercarriage with spatted wheels, a short nose bearing the 180 hp engine and a 3-bladed variable-pitch propeller. The cockpit features a broad canopy arch with good forward visibility and with side-by-side seating for pilot and student. The wings are tapered with square tips and the empennage consists of a large fin and rudder with an oblong tailplane with square tips mid-set to the fuselage.
    Download consist of: Highly detailed custom 2D cockpit
    Pilot and Student figures
    22 Page User Guide - read before flying!
    To adjust the screen resolution for non - widescreen users go into the Xplane menu, go to SETTINGS, then RENDERING OPTIONS - and the screens settings are at the top left. Select 1280x1024 and tick the box to the left. .
    The right sided pilot instrument panel was to allow potential RAF pilots to become familiar with a left hand throttle that would be essential if they become fast jet pilots. Having the pupil on the left side would mean that the instructor would not be able to reach it. Cadets from the age of 16+ learn to fly in the Tutor and if suitable will move on to the Tucano and then the Hawk where the innstructor sits behind and the throttle is on the left side on both.




  6. Piper PA-11 Cub Special

    A 1947 PA-11 Cub Special. Wheels and Floats version are availables in this package.
    Please read the user manual, in pdf format, included in this package. The manual contains important information about how to configure the simulator to enjoy this bird.
    Feedback will be appreciated.
    Enjoy !!
    NOTE: This aircraft is only for X-Plane 10, and will not run on X-Plane 9. A version for X-Plane 9 van be found here:




  7. King Air Glass Enhancement

    Till now , the cockpit and cabinwindows seen from outside always have been invisible.
    Just holes to look though , without any "glass" to be seen.
    In the latest version X-Plane 10.20 (build 102014)adding some realness to the glass failed again.
    I did not want to wait any longer.
    Just place the contents of the objects folder from this downlaod in the main objects folder of the King Air.
    A backup for the default files is included.
    I am confident you`ll never want to use these back-up files.
    Leen "Flybike" de Jager




  8. Cassutt Racer

    Here's the quote from the org file:




  9. Canadian Livery for X-Plane 10 King Air C90B

    I like to fly this alot, so I created a "fictional" Canadian livery for it. The registration is correct, but the paint job isn't. Added new registration letters on the cockpit panel as well, but Xplane-10 ATC still calls it by the default American call sign.....Not sure how to change that. Added tail lighting as well.
    Just unzip and drop the livery folder into the King air folder and it should be good to go




  10. Turbo Raven

    Turbo Raven by VRibeiro
    This high performance aerobatic aircraft was a fantastic airshow performer. It could climb vertically at 60knots, brake on descend using "beta" and stop the propeller in flight.
    This model does all this and inverted flat spins.
    I had a recovery parachute just in case of structural failure.
    To brake on step descent reduce speed and then wait for propeller to reverse, the speed will drop and should keep the aircraft horizontal as a controlled stall. Need lots of training.
    -VNE 300KIAS
    To know more visit: http://www.waynehandley.com/archive.html
    It's a real fun to fly this one.


    1 comment


  11. Piper PA-11 Cub Special V9

    A 1947 PA-11 Cub Special. Wheels and Floats version are availables in this package.
    Please read the user manual, in pdf format, included in this package. The manual contains important information about how to configure the simulator to enjoy this bird.
    Feedback will be appreciated.
    Enjoy !!
    NOTE: This aircraft is for X-Plane 9. Although it can run in X_plane 10, you can find a native X-plane 10 version here:


    1 comment


  12. Baron 58 Cockpit Compass Dressup

    This file dresses up the dash mount compass on the Xplane 10 Baron 58. I found that it looked kind of plain and stood out from the rest of the panel.




  13. Tangent Aircraft EMG-5

    One more treat for tonight. This time without a 3D cockpit (will come once it's finished in real life).
    I started this project like a year ago, didn't really work on it much since I realised that I'll have another finger surgery in two weeks. I got afraid that I won't be able to pull this project off till summer as promised. I did it in the end.
    ***I didn't make the flightmodel. I only made the exterior model.
    I got invited to this project by Steve Hatfield last year, I think in August. I was really happy, this was my second project of an aircraft that actually exist in real life AND I got invited to work with a group that has all the data needed to make this airplane (provided by Tangent Aircraft).
    Was fun building it. I wish I could do more details but the aircraft isn't built in real life so it's hard to make it detailed.
    Thanks goes to:
    - Steve Hatfield (for intorducing and adding me to this project)
    - Nick Kuiper (for help with the flightmodel)
    - Brian Carpenter, CEO of Tangent Aircraft (for all of the data needed to make this eye candy)
    - Hamish Hall-Smith (Hampster, for making the white paint)
    - Benedikt Samson (for making two paints for this airplane, the "N8112MX" and the "Swiss HB-2088")
    - Others participating in this project
    This aircraft some more eye candy than before (was a plane-maker only project).
    *v10 version included!!
    Little video I put up together as a teaser a while ago (if you don't like electronic music at 150bpm, turn the volume down):

    Rate & Comment! Any comment much appreciated!




  14. J-228

    Hello everybody,
    This is the first plane I have ever made in XP. Don't be too harsh with criticism, I'm only a kid, and as I just said, this is my first plane. It's a fixed wing aircraft, based on and similar to, (but definitely not identical to) the Vans RV-8. It's and STOL aircraft, so you don't need too much runway to take off and still gain some good speed. I made the custom panel how I like it, so please don't comment about how the panel isn't like a real plane, I'm in flight school, I know, it's the way I prefer to have it. The powerful engine causes the J228 to act like a stunt plane, it rolls to the right a bit, I apologize, it's not your joystick being dumb, it's X-Plane making my engine realistic. I am also fully aware that the livery is not, well, professional. You can post your own liveries to the .org, BUT, DO NOT RE-UPLOAD, please, please, please, don't re-upload my plane. That said, enjoy!!!


    1 comment


  15. Hotstart TBM900 N910GE "Shades of grey"

    I saw this livery on a youtube video and thought it looked really stylish in all mostly grey colors, so I made a livery for it. Enjoy!


    1 comment


  16. Piper PA46 Malibu X-Plane 11

    this is x-plane 9's piper PA46 malibu converted for x plane 11
    it includes:
    5 liveries with a white one to make your own
    a fully working 3D cockpit
    a pretty detailed cabin
    hope you enjoy




  17. No Smudges Pocket Rocket G1000

    For those pesky Pocket Rocket screens that seem to never stay clean I present you with "No Smudges!" Guaranteed to leave your glass displays as clean as shimmering mermaid.
    Installation: This download contains new G1000 smudgeless textures. It removes the fingerprints, hand oil and dust from the G1000 screens.
    Backup your  G1kscreenalph.png & G1kscreenalph_NML.png which are located inside your Pocket Rocket's object folder...
    Once you have those two files saved somewhere else drag and drop the two replacement textures from the zip into the aircraft's object folder and overwrite the old files If it asks you. 




  18. Hot Start TBM900 Ocean Teal

    Using the magic wand and Hue & Saturation just to change the sand colour to light teal..


    1 comment


  19. Hot Start TBM 900 "Blue & Gold" (N900EP)

    To install, unzip and place in your X-Aviation TBM-900 livery folder.
    If you like it leave a comment as appreciation.




  20. Teknetium98


    By 98Aerospace

    The team welcomes you back to fly another of our brilliant line of experimental aircraft, this time, 98Aero is under new management! But before we talk about that, let us tell you about the aircraft..
    The Teknetium (Tech-net-ie-um) is very much a multi purpose aircraft, designed for not only recreational and sport flying, but also operational flying in the force, postage shipping, carrier work (army versions fitted with guns are not yet planned, but expected) and a whole lot of other useful operational uses. After posting the Aerohawk UAV, the team found that stable and agile aircraft pleased the X-Plane users, so the Teknetium is a second aircraft that is built to fly beautifully.
    Aircraft characteristics:
    STOL: When taking off, it will not take long to lift off the ground. Note that the high angle of attack from the low tail on the ground will force the aircraft to lift into a backflip once off the ground. A simple and easy way to prevent this is to push foward on the stick and level out. Easy.
    LEVEL FLIGHT: When flying straight, it will not have any tendencies to lift or drop, it will just fly straight. Take your hand off the stick, and it will fly straight. It is a pleasure to fly.
    SIMLE COCKPIT: Easy to read and not full of excess things. A simple autopilot, PFD, engine controls, that is it.
    MASSIVE DETAIL: This aircraft is full of smooth and great looking detail that has been crafted by our most prominent 3D modellers. Extending flap struts for the slotted flap, nicely done landing gear, high detail engines, high resolution textures... all included.
    INTERESING SHAPE: Always a trademark of the team at 98, this aircraft tests a unique wing shape and excels in the most modern aerospace engineering format.
    New management:
    The team have reformed into a more organised group, following a halt in production a few months back. We now name a new group leader and are looking for some enthusiastic new employees:
    The 98Aerospace team so far:

    Nick Kuiper (Clod Slayer): Head of development and main modeller. Hamish Hall-Smith (Hampster): Main texture artist and detail consultant.

    If you are interested in a spot in our group, please send us a message via our profile and tell us what you are good at, and we'll acommodate you if you are useful to our operation.
    Enjoy your enhanced X-Plane experience.
    The team at 98Aerospace.




  21. Nova98


    By 98Aerospace

    The nova is a small one person homebuild kitset aircraft. With two central five bladed props and nimble performance, the Nova will meet your everyday needs as a small acf. Made out of the ply box technique and composite molds, it is a very sturdy and fun plane to fly. It is impossible to fit two people in, as this plane is smaller that a Cessna 172. It also uses the same prop system as a fantrainer.
    As this plane if mildly unstable in parts, follow theese tips:
    When going into a steep dive, throttle to Idle.
    Land at 60 kts.
    Takeoff at 80kts.
    This was hamburgers entry to the 98Aerospace's three week competition.
    Enjoy! - the 98Aerospace team.




  22. Hotstart TBM-900 EC-MET

    This is a paint of the real EC-MET, a spanish registered TBM900. In RL it doesn't have winglets, so I left them blank. The registration is changable through the registration tool (if needed).


    1 comment


  23. SkySport98


    After strapping gutsy test pilots into our work-in-progress aircraft for months now, we though that they needed a bit of luxury, so we designed a leasurely and fun, single seat stunt / sport biplane to take the ease off the job.
    The result was so spectacular, we decided to share it to you for you to enjoy aswell! Originally designed as a test aircraft for the latest XSTOL technology, this Biplane is very lighweight, with a fuselage built out of an Epoxy / Carbon / Chevlar sandwich. Our airfoil researchers have found the perfect airfoil shape to take advantage of the aircrafts' powerfull 315 Hp radial engine, and our designers at the 98' shop have found a way to make a stable wing system that doesn't require wire bracing. We have also teamed up with Ferrari to taylor make our leather cockpit seating and dash panel, and Avidyne to supply the systems for our deluxe PFD glass display.
    The SkySport has been made ready so it can be entered into the RENO air races, and has been given a nimble flight characteristic for optimum performance. It can fly at the lowest speed of 25 Kts, and max of 200, and can take off almost instantly thanks to XSTOL technology. XSTOL is STOL, but under the restrictions that the aircraft can take off in less than 800 ft and carry a load greater than its own weight, and we have acheived XSTOL by far, and the team at the lab are very happy with this indeed!




  24. Hartzell Odyssey propeller for the TorqueSim SR22

    The Hartzell Odyssey propeller, most commonly used on the SR22, is a four blade composite propeller available as an option on most SR22 aircraft. The 4 blade propeller allows for a higher cruise speed, and has a 14 percent improvement in climb performance when compared to other four-blade offerings. 
    My rendition of the propeller attempts to add all the improvements mentioned above to the TorqueSim SR22, requiring a couple of changes to the flight model. 
    I am fully aware that the prop blur is still the same as the 3 blade propeller, however, i am planning on adding a 4 blade prop blur in a later update.
    If you wish to contact me, you can do so via my discord: giraffe me crazy#1816
    Last but not least, i'd like to thank Tyler from clearprop! for providing me with the 3d model for the propeller.
    This is in no way required and i love doing this all for free, but if you wish to support me by buying me a coffee, you can do so via the link below.  


    1 comment


  25. Pocket Rocket Paint Kit

    Complete Paint Kit for the Torquesim Pocket Rocket
    Download both the manual and Paint kit via the links below:
    Paint Kit Manual <-----Give it a quick read! We give you some important things to consider with this paint kit. 
    Paint Kit 1.0
    If there are any features that you would like added to the paint kit let me know.
    I do plan on adding a weathered version in a future update. 
    Get the aircraft here http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/pocket-rocket-p-161
    Happy painting! 




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