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    Great livery. Is it possible you could provide the one with the C-168 registration, so we don't have to do it ourselves?
  4. Last week
  5. View File JASDF Air Rescue (fictional) Enjoy! Optional electronic pack: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/54808-electronic-pack-beechcraft-350-challenger-300650/ All the credits to his author. Submitter Christophe Submitted 06/16/2024 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Enjoy! Optional electronic pack: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/54808-electronic-pack-beechcraft-350-challenger-300650/ All the credits to his author.
  7. i managed to call Jennie with the Cell phone at +/- 3000ft, the connection was noisy but she sure did understand me and got the van coming shortly after parking
  8. I managed to land at BGBW. Not a easy Airport and with this Engine... Engine Shutdown was interesting. Engine One Shuts Down as usual but Engine Two was Spinning down very very slow and won't stop for minutes. Fuel Valves closed but Engine Two was acting like it gets still some amount of Fuel. Like a Diesel Runaway. Took over 10 Minutes before the Engine stops. Maintaining the Engines (Fix all Errors), Engine Test Run and all is well again. But what Kind of Error was this?
  9. Had my first Engine Failure Today. Look at the Torque Meter for the Right Engine. A little erratic. What is it? Compressor Stall? EGT goes up when Torque goes down.
  10. Thanks for your feedback, Iain. It's been noted and understood. Like I've said before, we'll try to do better next time.
  11. Hi, I usually take a little pride in parking the Challenger right on the yellow line of the parking spot after a successful flight. That effort is kind of thwarted sometimes when I resume the flight next day, use the "restore position and trajectory" checkbox and find the aircraft parked a bit off from where I left it in the first place in terms of lateral displacement and heading. What could be the reason here? Are there limits as to how precise I can expect the aircraft position to be restored? But then, why is the heading sometimes off by up to 5-10 degrees?
  12. There was no confusion, the information was 100% clear and incorrect, there are plenty Flight Sim news websites out there, they have the same information which many people read. https://fsnews.eu/ixeg-details-737-x-plane-12-upgrade-pricing/ Customers who purchased the add-on on or after February 7th, 2022 will get the X-Plane 12 version free of charge.Customers who purchased the aircraft before February 7th, 2022 will get the upgrade for a small fee of $14.95 USD.The team said that they want to keep the upgrade pricing fair and within reach of every user and will ensure further development of the product in the future.
  13. That icon means there's a featured post IN the topic, not that the topic is featured. You'll see the featured post within that topic when you open the topic. Anyways, pretty much no one ever seems to message or have confusion about this at this point. It was in 2023. I'm sorry you felt confused in the whole matter. We'll try to do better next time.
  14. Ah, I found it. M0.83 is max allowed Mach in RVSM airspace accoding to the manual, so Bombardier has apparently opted for some safety buffer.
  15. The featured topic is one of the most active topics on page 1, where the information is incorrect. It was posted on April 4th. It is missing the new "special note" on pricing that is in the locked topic you refer to on page 3, which will never be visible on the main page as it's locked (due to people being pissed off I guess). As mentioned, the information has to clear and consistent across all announcements, which it is not. https://i.imgur.com/2xjtHgn.jpg
  16. View File DGAC (fictional) Enjoy! Submitter Christophe Submitted 06/13/2024 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
  17. Version 1.0.0


  18. in my case, "not work" would mean what I observed: - using Gizmo-LTS requires a serial - when waiting out the Gizmo nag screen, the Challenger asks for activation again -> so Gizmo-LTs it is not a drop-in replacement for the version that ships with the Challenger in the sense that you just replace it and everything just works as before, only better.
  19. Good morning! I apologize for the bother, but might I request access to the Hotstart Discord? I am interested in helping beta test the CL650 beta.
  20. Great livery, thanks a lot. Any chance of a British European livery?
  21. Does the HotStart Challenger 650 have rain and weather effects for the windshield in X-Plane 11 ?
  22. Gizmo-LTS is fully functional without a serial. You can download and try it free of charge. If it provides you benefit/improvement and you want to get rid of the nag dialog you can buy a serial number.
  23. Is there any commands for starting the PA announcements? I know you can open the panel with a command 'CL650/cabin_info/popup' but I was hoping I could select each message to play with a command.
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