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Just wondered how you guys were going with this 'deep dive' into the TBM code? Any chance there will be an updated version released soon? I've ceased flying this aircraft as it was just unflyable for me with this problem, so it would be great to get this fixed and going again. Cheers.
Thanks, sounds promising. I’m happy to assist with testing. So, does this mean that the problem is not related to the Honeycomb Configurator, or any other plug-in?
Still crashing with latest XP version. Is there any word on when the next update will be out and is the apparent incompatibility with Honeycomb being assessed and/or addressed? I say apparent because when I was testing, it seemed to me that this is where the issue was - if I removed HC, I had no crashes, but as soon as I re-introduce it, the TBM crashes. This does not occur on any other payware aircraft that I have. As good as this plane is, it's unflyable and bloody frustrating to get partway through a flight and thing just drops out - if it can't be sorted out, then I'll cut my losses and throw it away.
+1 with mrcultureshock - but I’ve parked my TBM (haven’t flown it in weeks) as I keep getting CTDs with the Honeycomb Configurator so I’m hoping these guys are working with Aerosoft to investigate the problem.
Not sure how Prosco solved it but there’s a great app for iPhone and iPad that not only contains all of the checklists but has a flight planning tool as well. Just search for TBM Performance in the Apple App Store.
Ok, after a couple of consecutive flights, TBM crashed while in OpenGL, so it seems that it doesn't matter whether you're using Metal or OpenGL, if your Honeycomb Configurator is active, you'll get a crash. Disable the Honeycomb Configurator, and it doesn't crash.
Thanks danhenri - I've used the TBM data refs but I think it's incomplete, but this is helpful, thanks.
I’ve reverted back to OpenGL and so far no crashes.
Thanks for this - could you also suggest the settings for Low Hyd and Doors? I’ve been trying to figure these out too. Is there a cheat sheet listing this info? The supplied Datarefs info is great but it’s not comprehensive - many thanks.
Hi ssalis, I can vouch for Goran's suggested approach - I was having crashes and decided to do a clean install initially without any scenery other than the default KSEA and then flew the TBM on the same flights where I was experiencing the crashes. That went fine, so I then added scenery (but not the Aerosoft stuff) such as my continent and test flew the flights again, no problem. I did try some different routes and I did encounter a crash but I had added the Honeycomb Configurator by this stage so I tested by first removing the HC and then as I was flying other aircraft, I re-installed the HC and then for the TBM, I switch it off via the plug-in menu. I then reached out to Siselkov(?) via Discord on Goran's advice, but I never heard back - that was a few weeks ago now. TBH, other folks have had crashes for various reasons so I assume the guys are working on the problem areas for the next update, so I'll wait out. It's a PITA I know but it's worth it.
If your flight plan calls for you to commence descent then you’ll see a small white circle on your flight path indicating top of descent. For the aircraft to descend, you have to do one of two things; either hand fly it or tell the autopilot to descend and to do this you need to ensure that you have selected the lower altitude, the leg is activated and VNAV is selected.
I’ve had no issues with the climb or descent performance using the autopilot- as long you adjust the power lever to keep within limits. Another thing to consider is the weather settings - XP is rubbish right now for weather so much so you’re better off disabling auto weather and manually set your own
Flew the TBM tonight and it crashed again. Flew the SSG 747-8F last night with the Honeycomb Configurator and no issues or crashes. Goran has been very helpful in trying to figure out the problem but I'm running out of ideas.
Just completed a flight (same route as the one where I had a system crash) without the Honeycomb configurator and no issues. On a separate matter, I notice I'm having pressurisation issues but looking at the maintenance log, there are no defects.
It just crashed - Goran, I'll pm you with files soon
So far, no crashes after a full clean install and test flying after installing the TBM, then limited scenery (ie not the entire world, but my home country), no crashes and about to fly after installing the Honeycomb AFC Bridge. What I have noticed this time around, which has never occurred before, is when I use the Airframe Manager to add or change a TBM, the screen goes black. The only thing I see is the left hand side menu (ie for payload, airfare manager etc). This only occurs when in OpenGL but not in Metal. I can't even get the standard XP menu bar at the top of the screen to be visible. To quit XP I just use 'command Q'. In the meantime I am still testing in incremental stages.
Just to update - on Goran's advice I've created a new XP 11 installation and am testing without scenery, then I'll add a plugin at a time and see how it goes. The key here, is the assistance is first class and very much appreciated, so hopefully will sort this out and get to keep flying the TBM.
Guys, I'm done with the TBM 900 - I've just tried it with OpenGL and it crashed again. I'm out of ideas. It's been fun but there's no joy in having this crash on you every flight. I'm not a SW engineer or developer so I know nothing about what the issues, but there is a conflict somewhere and I have no idea if it's the OS, the TBM900 or XP - I really hope that the developers can get to the bottom of this but for now, I'm not going to be using the TBM900 anymore. Thanks Goran for all your help.
Hi, I'm running TBM 900 on a iMac 27 in full screen mode (which is how I've always used it with no issues) and now, I'm getting regularly crashes and it always seems to be the same message "Application Specific Information: terminating Assertion failed: (! scaled_font->cache_frozen), function cairo_scaled_font_destroy, file ../../cairo-1.16.0/src/cairo-scaled-font.c, line 1326." I have removed Live Traffic and every other plug-in I can and I still get these. Like ssalis, I too have waited months to update to Big Sur so am now wondering if I also have a compatibility issue with the TBM900. Log files provided by pm.
Wow, I mean, wow... I'm so jealous of you guys..... what a thing of beauty
No, this is not related to 'P' factor - the aircraft is flying fine, I think it's just the algorithm to show the position of the trim indicator - I also meant to include in my spiel above, the pitch trim indicator is fully forward (nose down) in S&L and I'm sure I've seen videos showing this is not occurring in real TBMs. It's no biggie, just asking the team if this is something they could look at or is it something related to the native XP platform.
I notice that when the 900 is in different modes of flight (TO, S&L) the position of the trim indicators doesn't seem to match reality. For example, in S&L, the rudder trim indicator is always to the left, to very far-left of neutral or normal but when I see videos of real TBMs in flight, the rudder trim indicator is where you'd expect it to be. I've flown with experimental mode on and off and I haven't detected any significant difference. My controls are calibrated and I test the trims prior to taxi, so I don't think it's my setup. Is it a limitation of XP or does the algorithm in the 900 just need some tweaking?
Sounds to me more like a calibration issue or a conflict. I'm running HC Alpha and I have no issues with control feel at all - never have. First step I suggest, is to create a profile just for the TBM and then calibrate your flight controls. Then test to see if that fixes it and if it doesn't, see if there are any conflicts between your controls. XP is usually pretty good at detecting conflicts such as a two or more devices using the same axis.
First, if you enjoy a high degree of realism in your sim aircraft, then the TBM 900 is definitely worth getting. The level of immersion and realism is very good indeed. Now, as to your question, it doesn't work the way you may think. In the 900, there is a payload menu (with a weight and balance chart) where you either manually enter the type of person (male or female) and the weight plus luges in the rear and front compartments, or you can use the auto option and choose ½, ¾ or full load out. The fuelling is managed by selecting the fuel caps (one on each wing) which then displays the amount of fuel (in US GAL) and then use a slider to choose the quantity of fuel you require - taking into account, the range, TO weight, Takeoff distance, distance, etc). As you move the slider, you'll see the fuel qty increase (or decrease if you want to de-fuel) and you'll see the W&B chart also adjust accordingly. Just remember to replace the fuel caps or you'll be siphoning fuel into the atmosphere.
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