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  1. Everytime I step into the SR22 I'm reminded what a top quality addon TorqueSim has made. I'm looking forward to this release and I have no doubt TS will outdo themselves with the C525.
  2. This livery is awesome, dude! Hope we can look forward to you adjusting the rivets sometime in 2023!
  3. Obviously could be pilot error, but I cannot figure out why the Mu-2 flies appx 5 degrees nose up, and about 80kn true too slowly. I'm fairly certain this is not expected behavior. If anyone has any tips, it would be appreciated. I've tried changing the centre of gravity and the plane rebalances back to 5 degrees nose up. I've tried trimming it out hard, same thing.
  4. Really good stuff. Would love to see a matching paint scheme for the TBM900!
  5. Just to be clear: On my Virpil T50 dual throttle, mapping the left throttle to 3 works. Mapping both to 5 works. Mapping right to 4 does not work.
  6. When you start doing this, you start getting into territory where we're getting hardware restrictions. In planes without failures modelled, it really doesn't matter to have multi axis' and in cases where you do need to it (The AirFoilLabs King Air 350 for eg.), it's manageable my using the mouse instead. The issue with your product is that it doesn't have a mouse clickzone for manipulation AND it requires more than 1 axis, making it difficult to manage unless you have pretty good hardware with many (useful) axis' (like a honeycomb or something).
  7. XP12 will have this built in. There's no point in using dev time to add this to XP11, when it only works for OpenGL.
  8. So I actually managed to fix it by assigning both prop levers to individual axis'. However, if using the basic XP11 "prop" dataref (in which any number of prop levers are mapped to a single axis) only the left engine is manageable during a large number of procedures. My HOTAS is a Virpil T50 mongoose (original version)
  9. When holding down the prop unfeather switch, only the left condition lever is movable. Condition levers also do not have clickzones. They move only on an axis.
  10. I've been waiting for this registration to be done! Amazing stuff! **Edit** my only criticism is that the badges in the pax compartment are low quality and shouldn't really be there unless HQ versions can be sourced.
  11. Why is this uploaded twice?
  12. The video's flightplan was: CYOW/14 DCT IKLAX Q844 SYR DCT HVQ DCT HLRRY ONDRE1 KATL/27R Last time this occurred it was CYOW ILS 07 when the SID (Either MEECH or RIVER) lines you up near the other side of the ILS during the descent.
  13. So, I've noticed this happen a few times. The plane will change the nav src at the inappropriate time. I'd say 3 out of 5 of my last flights. I had a hotkey setup on my hotas for nav src toggle button, and de-hotkeyed it to make sure it wasn't a "noisy" button signal, as this does happen sometimes. During this flight in particular, there was no hotkey for this, which verified to me it seems to be the plane itself. I've also included what I believe should be the correct log as this was the last flight I did. Time stamp: 4min 50sec. Sorry, I didn't take the time to edit the video. Log.txt
  14. I don't think I have ever had Simbrief suggest a VOR + a distance as a waypoint. Isn't this primarily only used for SIDs and approaches?
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