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Mu-2 cruises 5 degrees nose up and Flies about 80~90kn(true) too slowly


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Obviously could be pilot error, but I cannot figure out why the Mu-2 flies appx 5 degrees nose up, and about 80kn true too slowly. I'm fairly certain this is not expected behavior. If anyone has any tips, it would be appreciated. 

I've tried changing the centre of gravity and the plane rebalances back to 5 degrees nose up. 

I've tried trimming it out hard, same thing.





Edited by GridiroN
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The numbers are a bit off, but not that much. My POH recommends 72% torque for a cruise altitude of 24,000 ft (ISA), which should result in 193 - 205 kt CAS (depending on weight). In your screenshot it looks as if you were temperature-limited on the engines and therefore could not reach the recommended torque - ending up at 165 kt IAS with less than 60% of torque seems about right, or even a bit fast when comparing to the POH numbers.

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