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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Yes. It doesn’t show N1 CRZ, etc., as in those stages of flight throttle is being governed by the selected IAS not the N1 limit.
  2. What is “it” referring to? Please be specific.
  3. Check your anti-virus?
  4. Realign the IRUs from the menu.
  5. Full backup/copy of X-Plane should be fine. However if you’re using the non-beta version, I recommend uninstalling the Chally first, then reinstalling it on the new PC. You’ll also have to log into Gizmo again. You can have 3 PCs active at once for X-Aviation.
  6. https://discord.gg/gszeEe65wC
  7. If you can reproduce, please do so with the TorqueSim’s engine debug window open (available via top menu). Also, what are your FPS in sim exactly? Thanks.
  8. Don’t know, sorry.
  9. This should be fixed in next release (available in beta now).
  10. That setting is only applicable for (nav) radio audio output. Everything else is played via the default system audio by X-Plane.
  11. May be x-Plane itself. It says Please report this to Laminar Research.
  12. Re-run the non-beta installer, possibly without anti-virus, it should create the necessary directories, about which this error is complaining.
  13. Pils


    TBM isn’t supported on 12.
  14. Do you have the text size/rendering scale increased in Windows display settings?
  15. I doubt the x-touch and the loupedeck are sending the same midi data, you’d have to customise the toml.
  16. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. Fly in a country that uses kilograms.
  18. There is a beta being developed to provide preliminary support for X-Plane 12, however final support will not be committed to until 12 itself is out of early access beta.
  19. OBS Studio.
  20. You see how it says “Power down avionics before making changes”? Yeah, do that.
  21. Pils


  22. Looks like your engine bleed might be pushed in?
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