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liser last won the day on December 20 2019

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About liser

  • Birthday 07/05/1981

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  1. LES Saab 340 Air Leap View File This is a livery for LES Saab 340 Passenger version made with Leen de Jager Paintkit. It's registration number XE-KXI flying for Swedish company Air Leap. Submitter liser Submitted 04/20/2020 Category Heavy Metal Livery For http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-saab-340a-p-100 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  2. Version 1.0


    This is a livery for LES Saab 340 Passenger version made with Leen de Jager Paintkit. It's registration number XE-KXI flying for Swedish company Air Leap.
  3. Great News! Thank You very much for your effort!! I can't wait to get my hands on this beauty again! Happy Holidays!
  4. Congratulations! Looking forward to the release!
  5. Looks beautiful! Will buy day 1, as always! Enviado desde mi Nexus 5 mediante Tapatalk
  6. SMP 4 is looking really nice already! 1st day buy here, for sure! Keep up the good work! Enviado desde mi Nexus 5 mediante Tapatalk
  7. Thanks for the update! Enviado desde mi Nexus 5 mediante Tapatalk
  8. Thank you for your effort! Keep it up!
  9. Thank you for the update! I'm enjoying the plane more and more with each hotfix! And without a problem so far. Enviado desde mi Nexus 5 mediante Tapatalk
  10. This means even smoother flights with the IXEG!! You guys keep making it better all the time! Thanks!
  11. Hey IXEG team!! Congratulations @tkyler @Litjan @Morten @Nils @Ben Russell and @Cameron !!! So nice you finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel! I'm sure this bird is going to be a game changer, not only for X-Plane. You've put so much effort, passion and love into this project, and that can be seen in all of the videos and comments you have made here in the forums and other media. Now it's our turn, at last!!! The wait has been long, but I'm far sure that it's been well worth it. I wish you all the best, you deserve it. And I also wish you're making more projects in the following years! I can't believe it's only a few hours away! I think I'm still in shock since "Saturday it is", cabrones! ;P
  12. I love the look of the digital gauges on this airplane. Very retro-digital-LCD style!
  13. Please, mgeiss, can you point me to the post where they talk about this? FSGRW is a great tool, but if global winds are coming in 10.50 maybe I wait and save those 40€. EDIT: OK, I found it. For anyone interested it's in the comments of this post :http://developer.x-plane.com/2016/03/x-plane-10-50/#comment-12686 Sorry for the spam...
  14. Congratulations! Another one ready to buy! And thanks for the discount! Enviado desde mi Nexus 5 mediante Tapatalk
  15. I would love to be able to do the planning "offline" if it's possible. We only have an ipad at home and I can't always have it when preparing my flight. Anyway it's not a big problem to me, I'm very satisfied with the app overall, but it would be nice if you consider it. Really looking forward to the update!! Cheers
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