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Everything posted by akatham

  1. Sorry, forgot to quote properly. better pushback works with nosewheel steering enabled, not powerback.
  2. It works. You just have to enable nosewheel steering (push the round tiller on the left side of the cockpit)
  3. Hire Dogbert:
  4. It is turned ON in the plane definition itself, so it does not matter what you set x-plane to.
  5. This one? https://www.tbm.aero/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/PIM_TBM900__E1.pdf
  6. No, it disables them by renaming the plugin file itself before x-plane starts, so that x-plane does not load them at all.
  7. Yeah, i made the same mistake, that is why i had a hunch...
  8. Have you made sure that Com1 / Com1 Mic is turned on on the Audio Panel?
  9. Probably the same thing as the piston variant:
  10. That is snow drift. It looks really bad in x-plane. For a better version: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/44143-x-plane-11-drifting-snow-overlay-replacement/
  11. I am using it, so far no problems. I use the Impressive preset, just didn't install the skycolour/cloud replacement textures, and disabled the cloud related shaders.
  12. That is what is happening to me, i use borderless gaming (which resizes the window after start to fullscreen and hides the windows decoration), i get those strange shadow artifacts.
  13. Did you upgrade RWC to version 1.2?
  14. Do you have v-sync turned on ingame? I remember from some 11.50 beta devblogs one developer mentioning that it was broken in opengl and actually working under vulkan when someone mentioned lower framerates...
  15. Wrong: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/65005-enhanced-cloudscapes/
  16. For me the only way to get persistance to work was to manually set "disable_persist" to 0 in settings.cfg while x-plane is not running.
  17. Active Sky is a weather injector, and Skymaxx Pro renders the injected Weather, they work perfectly together as they do different things. In fact, combined with Realweather Connector as a middleware the combination works around x-planes limitations. For example you get more than 3 cloud layers, and most of all weather cells. The weather then is not rendered globally and changes when you fly into a different zone, instead you can see those other weather zones from afar and then avoid them or fly into them.
  18. Deleting the files seems to have fixed it, although i just did a small preliminary test. Just the tie down and fuselage cover does not stick, it also seems to not have an entry in the persist.cfg file.
  19. Never. Always cold and dark. (Except when i tried to test the persistance, but then also with engines running turned off).
  20. Yeah, but manually changing the persistant setting in the config file was the only way to get it to stick. I just noticed it did not change when i turn it on via dialog. And afterwards (reloading the sim) at least the persistant setting is now persistant. Engine running not persistant ok, working as designed. But the switch and static elements settings did not persist, either.
  21. No, it does not. When i manually change it to 0 while the sim is running, it stays that way even if i restart X-Plane, but the persistance still does not work correctly. I quit X-Plane with bat1+2, alt1+2, avionics and strobe turned on, tank selector to l, and the engine running. When i restarted X-Plane, All the switches (including ice etc.) where turned on, tank selector was was turned off, and the engine did not run (throttle + mixture where at zero). Also the static elements (except the plane cover / tiedown) where enabled, although i removed them prior to restart.
  22. Attached here. Log_1.txt is where i started the plane, turned all systems and the engine on and enabled persistance. Log_2.txt is the second run after that where the plane started out completely turned off (including the persistance setting) persist.cfg and settings.cfg are after the second run, where everything was off. Edit: what i noticed in the log file that at start it creates the cfg files and when i quit x-plane it says destroying them... Log_1.txt Log_2.txt persist.cfg settings.cfg
  23. Still having the Issue with 1.0.1 that persistance does not work. Ironically even the persistant setting does not persist.
  24. Any news when the update is released?
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