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Ben Russell

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Everything posted by Ben Russell

  1. X-System folder:'C:\Program Files (x86)/X-Plane 11/X-Plane 11/', case sensitive=0 Move your X-Plane folder out of the "Program Files (x86)" folder.
  2. I've seen a total of about five people with issues when they change windows sound devices. I think a lot of them were VR related and eventually fixed by a software update for those devices. It definitely happens for a few people. Thanks for reporting your additional data on how you're using your sound hardware.
  3. Please try installing this: https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
  4. So.. I just did a quick google search. "flight sim pedals" gives me a quick summary to go find a price for Logitech G Pedals as they're recommended for FS21. $300. https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/logitech-g-flight-simulator-rudder-pedals Then I did a quick google for "RTX 3090". $3,300 https://www.mwave.com.au/graphics-cards/geforce-rtx-3090 Also, complaining about an additional "bug" that is purely caused by your lack of (relatively cheap) additional equipment to operate a study level product isn't valid. The issue will automatically be resolved when you operate the product as designed. A warning in the docs about a full suite of Human Interface Devices might be warranted but as the product is marketed as study level (and you clearly know that) one would assume you'd know how the real airframe operates mechanically in this regard and expect to be duly armed to operate the product in a study-level manner.
  5. 2nd copy allows more complete diagnosis. Xplane preferences can be completely reset, including joysticks, keybindings and graphics. Art assets also completely reset. Fiddling with plugins is the longer path best taken once its been verified that a product can and does work on a given machine.
  6. If you have the same problem all the answers ans advice are already in this thread. Read the posts.
  7. Upload a copy of X-Plane/Log.txt Update your GPU drivers.
  8. Please attach X-Plane/Log.txt to all future requests for help. Assuming you're using Windows 10... Try installing this: https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
  9. You need to attach the entire original Log.txt file.
  10. Post a copy of X-Plane/Log.txt It contains useful detail about your CPU, RAM and Video Card. "Acer Nitro" is a meaningless brand name.
  11. Install a clean demo copy of xplane. Install a copy of ixeg 737 there. Test. Include xplane/log.txt with any future bug reports.
  12. X-Plane is installed in C:\Program Files\ and will not work correctly until you move it somewhere else.
  13. Read my other post in this thread.
  14. Install a demo copy of X-Plane. Install the Saab there. Add your other global plugins to the demo copy of X-Plane one by one, testing as you go. Determine which plugin the conflict is. Don't use it. It's probably this: Loaded: D:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM/win_x64/SAM.xpl (stairportsceneries.plugin.aos). You can try just removing the above from your full copy of X-Plane. The "demo copy" is standard advice you can use in future.
  15. You can tell the story here about why you have used two emails if you want to. Or you an tell it more privately to X-Aviation support. Most of the people are happy using one email address for their collection of purchases and that's what matters.
  16. This is done to prevent sharing of products between users. If you buy an airplane and share it with your friend.. Then he buys an airplane and shares it with you.. We get two sales, instead of four. It gets worse than that, because we allow for upto three computers... so you get three people sharing. This was a big problem in the past.
  17. Thanks for the files. I have read the Log.txt file. Gizmo is functioning correctly. Your license is being updated from the server correctly. The license data does not have any record of the Islander aircraft in it which is why you continue to see the update window. I have no access to the purchase history for your account. X-Aviation support will have to investigate your purchase records to find the cause of this. Reply time might be as much as three days. Please be patient. There are many other customers. Sorry I cannot be more help. Your computer, x-plane and your internet appear to be working properly.
  18. Please post a copy of Log.txt from your X-Plane folder so I can read about your problem.
  19. In future please don't zip your log files. If I'm on my phone a zipped file means your report will likely be ignored. The thread has then been marked as read by the forum and you've missed your chance at timely support replies.
  20. Funny, I checked about a month ago and Beat Saber was still the number 1 selling title.... three years later. You'd think there'd be something better than that by now.
  21. Please provide a copy of Log.txt
  22. Maybe you're just 8 years late to the party...
  23. Thanks for the reminder Vincent. I'll see if I can bump this into the next Gizmo update for everyone. It's long overdue. Cheers, Ben.
  24. Glad you resolved this Paul. The problem occurs because Apple dropped 32 bit support during the long lifetime of the Saab product.
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