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  1. Hi i had the same problem, you have to use an older version of gizmo
  2. Hello, I just wanted to come back to this thread to share the solution that I found to this problem. It seems that the xp10 installer installs a gizmo version which is incompatible with xp10. You can get around this by deleting the installed gizmo plugin and replacing it from the one in this link https://www.thresholdx.net/news/gizm64 hope it helps
  3. I have been unable to active the IXEG 737 as the activation window never appears. I have had this product since 2016 and have never had a problem with activations, never had to freeze a machine or have my machine locked. The activation window simply never appears this time. Before this occurred I had formatted my drive but before it was activating fine. could I please get some help with this? Attached is my LOG.TXT and a screenshot of what i see when I load the aircraft. Also I had made a support ticket #NOJ39 on the 6th of July but never received a reply. Many thanks. Log.txt
  4. Hello, I have installed the IXEG several times on this laptop running xp10. I am a university student so I usually format my SSD after each year. When I did a clean install of xp10 and the IXEG 737 this time I see no x-aviation activation window which has never happened in the past. All I am able to do is move around the virtual cockpit and not activate the airplane. It also looks like Gizmo isnt in my plugins list, I have tried 1. Reinstalling both xp10 and the IXEG 737 2. reinstalling gizmo 3. Turning off firewall 4.granting read/write perms to the xp10 folder Other threads on this matter mentioned moving the xplane folder to desktop however that is where I have my xp10 currently installed. I also have nothing in the X-Aviation folder in the xp10 directory other than the uninstaller. I do realise that this isnt a bug report however I did not know where to put this thread for support. Many thanks!
  5. these ones?
  6. been using a CH Products Fighterstick since 2009, never used a yoke before
  7. what are your specs btw ?
  8. This happened to mine, a reinstalling the IXEG fixed it
  9. Im sorry if this should be in the IXEG section but the landing lights do not seem to be illuminating the clouds as i pass through them however other default aircraft do illuminate the clouds with the lights on any suggestions?
  10. I also have to use 2x SSAA + FXAA for fps reasons but after using it for such a long time I just got used to the blurriness, I dont know why they dont give us 2x AA without the FXAA as an option, also as far as i know the nvidia control panel has no effect on the Anti Aliasing settings to xplane (I could be wrong)
  11. i can quite comfortably get 25-30 fps on my first gen i5 750 and gtx 660 (locked to 1/2 refresh rate) and 4GB RAM
  12. wow i must be simple, i thought that ''reflection'' was a worm...
  13. best ixeg liveries! 

  14. 404 ??? :S
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