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ZeeMuffenMan last won the day on February 20 2019

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  1. Just curious, could them plastic speed bugs be apart of the 'saved from previous flight'? Would be nice as for instance the 80 knots bug and typically the 210 knots bug wouldn't change. Cheers
  2. Another wing bug. Texture seems to be inverted under the wing.... Cheers
  3. Talking about seats. If I put my view point on the headrest, I sit rather low. I think these chairs need to be a bit higher lol Cheers
  4. Yup and I don't want to make this into a "IXEG is silly and wrong" because that is completely the opposite of what IXEG represents. No matter what was said above, this product is an all time favorite and will continue that way Improvements to be made (just like any product that wants to be the best) but I know they will be covered in the future! Cheers
  5. Absolutely, can depend on many factors as such & really I should do more testing but I am just going off what I and some others have experienced. Good example of testing the ground effect can be seen here at 19:40+ (I feel like what was said here is true)
  6. I was just comparing it to available 737-3 landing footage (watching both pitch on PFD & elevator input from the crew) as it seems that the IXEG in XP11 doesn't handle as nicely as it did back in XP10...it seems like I don't need to add much back pressure anymore at around 15-10ft, where the real 733 would start to require a lot of back pressure, as that nose wants to dive due to loss of lift, of course even more so when you get closer to the ground. (I do believe it's more down to XP11's new ground effect - which if you do ask around, wasn't all that of an "improvement" compared to XP10; people also forget that a loss of momentum will cause the nose to pitch down too, but that's not due to ground effect).
  7. It is - just not as good as it was in XP10
  8. Just a shame XP11 destroys the ground effect in this bird...take me back to the XP10.51 FM!
  9. Best news I heard in a long while - never been so happy opening an email lol Found a few bugs up to now but I'll keep testing to see if I can find anymore; I absolutely love the CRT "reset phase" when changing over the electrical BUS in this update (or at least I didn't notice this before hand!) Keep up the work - am sure there will be many more Classic's flying about in the virtual skies (ProjectFLY, VATSIM etc.) Cheers!
  10. Oh. YES! Hopefully the FM is back to how it was in XP10, was PERFECT!
  11. Is this not considered to be modeled in the next version? It's taking that long for an update, I would guess it would make sense to just delay it longer for added features, such as hold Thanks :)
  12. I was just wondering to see after a year without an update, that there is one going to be coming along? Am not stating that the development is dead, am just asking for a bit of information on when we can expect a next update (maybe Q1, Q2 this year?)... Thanks!
  13. Wow! @Peter T. This looks phenomenal, and I really mean, payware standards. However, I am a systems guy. So with it being freeware, it can look beyond amazing (one of the best 3D-modeling I have seen actually) but most likely will lack in the systems department. Maybe I could be wrong however I think you should 'work' with someone such as Flight Factor to get the systems implemented and they could exchange there current (really bad) 3D-modeling to yours, while they implement the 'detailed' systems (Flight Factor's systems are not that great but ok...ish..). Good luck however! Ellis.
  14. I also find this too. After around 1.5-2.5 seconds of using continues' of *light to medium* braking action, the brakes heavily come on. Must be fixed ASAP! Thankyou.
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