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mjrhealth last won the day on September 15 2024

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  1. Hi, probably a little one. But with the IXEG every time you load it , it reverts to some obscure freq. It would be nice if it could reset to the last known freq as most other aircraft do, saves a lot of bother if you are doing a reload at the same airport or changing planes.
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  2. http://www.b737.org.uk/pilotnotes.htm
  3. You need to go through all your plugins and update. Xchecklist is currently 1.52 You also gettiing a lot of G500 errors, have you tried reinstalling to latest ver Also got this X-Camera: Unable to authenticate on the community file server, error: 530 Login authentication failed X-Camera: Aborting Community Aircraft File update due to connection errors 0:00:05.294 I/GFX: Loaded mapping Just loaded mine. its not showing any G500 errors
  4. From what I understand is even in the real world pilots have to use speed breaks etc to reduce speed etc to make sure it all works,certainly in all my days of travel as passenger, it happened quiet a lot, speed brakes being applied on descent. Need to manage speed.
  5. They already did. I believe right now its the FMOD sound, maybe some other things, the FMS to XP12 data conversion and update is going to be a while due to the- amount of work. Im sure they will let us know when they are ready. Its still good as is.
  6. Known problem. Its a Zink issue. If you have Nividia turn off Zink.
  7. Yep thats two now.
  8. Definitely Zink, but I think we already knew that. Running Nvidia 4070. I suppose that will be fixed in your FMS update??. Its not a major problem
  9. This is an odd one. I use Xfms on the left CDU it doesnt have the issue. The right one does and when it does just after take off the xcheclist flickers and this is the only plane that causes that.. If it goes funny and I open the xcamera or dataref tool the screen resets. As soon as i close those windows it goes funny again. The odd thing on this flight after setting the copilots display distance and to MAP the issue fixed itself. This was about 20min into flight. Not a big deal.
  10. Discovered while browsing log 0:00:25.831 G64: core: dref.newFloat: Caught duplicate request: 'ixeg/733/pressurization/cabin_auto_fail_ann'. Returning existing handle ID. Cheers
  11. Juat wondering if this is ever going to get an update [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_EGT_c' has been replaced. Please use the new name. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/weather/barometer_current_inhg' has been replaced. Please use the new name. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/weather/barometer_sealevel_inhg' has been replaced. Please use the new name. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/weather/temperature_ambient_c' has been replaced. Please use the new name. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/weather/temperature_le_c' has been replaced. Please use the new name. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/weather/speed_sound_ms' has been replaced. Please use the new name. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/weather/wind_direction_degt' has been replaced. Please use the new name. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/cockpit2/controls/flap_ratio' has been replaced. Please use the new name. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/flightmodel/misc/cgz_ref_to_default' has been replaced. Please use the new name. 0:00:25.831 G64: core: dref.newFloat: Caught duplicate request: 'ixeg/733/pressurization/cabin_auto_fail_ann'. Returning existing handle ID. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/weather/runway_friction' has been replaced. Please use the new name. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/cockpit/switches/anti_ice_auto_ignite' has been replaced. Please use the new name. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/cockpit2/engine/indicators/EGT_deg_C' has been replaced. Please use the new name. [Gizmo64]: Dataref 'sim/weather/precipitation_on_aircraft_ratio' has been replaced. Please use the new name. Thanks
  12. Did a little test flight yesterday. Mainly due to upgrading YBBN airport and needed a pilot view. Like the old planes dont take much to get it loaded, flight plan done take off. Messed up a bit on climb, but minor issue, ill figure it out. Cant wait for next update whenever that might be, Still one of my favourite planes.
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  13. Was never abandoned, and considering the work required to bring it to xp12, there is a video on it, you should be glad its still here, Its the amount of work required for the update that has caused so may add ons to be dropped or become paid upgrades. It is still the best 737 out there and only getting better, with or without you.
  14. I dont know what the issue is with price, this has being continually updated for years, and have you not noticed cost of living has gone up everywhere.
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